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“I actually do quite wish to be saddled with you, which is why I find myself in this rather ugly chamber preparing to beg you if I must. But first, you must tell me, why do you think being a duchess will be tedious? Being my duchess will probably not be all that much different from being Adelina’s companion,” he observed, ignoring certain aspects of marriage that would make it far different. He was surprised to see hope beginning to shine in her attentive gaze and relieved to see no more tears.

“Truly, Your Grace? I wouldn’t have to go up to London and try to curry favours and learn about fashions and all that rot?”

Gil laughed. “Well, there might be a little bit of that, but first tell me, what had you hoped for? Why did you want a position? Surely, it isn’t something usual for a gently bred young woman.”

“Surely, you realize I am far from usual,” she countered before turning her eyes to the middle distance, as though searching for her words. “I know enterprise is unseemly, but I find it fascinating. Much like your villagers’ wool business. Aren’t you so terribly proud of them for their ingenuity? Don’t you want to learn everything there is to know about mills and wool and knitting and help them make it even bigger? I knew I couldn’t have something like that, but I wanted to do something more productive than being a debutante.”

Gilbert stared at her hard for a moment.

“So, you don’t think business is vulgar?”

The very idea appeared to shock her. “Vulgar? No, why, do you?”

Gil grinned. “Not in the least. That is why all of the businesses around here were my ideas. My first duchess was offended by the very thought. But hunger and poverty for my family and dependents seemed far more offensive to me.”

“You came up with the ideas for the wool enterprise?” Felicity breathed the words as though in awe, and she was looking at him suddenly, as though he had hung the moon. Gil’s chest felt as though it were swelling with pride. “Tell me more,” she suddenly demanded. “You said all the businesses. What else have you done?”

Gil laughed again. “I’ll tell you all of it eventually, as long as you promise to keep our secrets. And as long as you promise to help me think of more ideas.”

Her chin dropped open as though in shock. “You think I could help?”

“Of course!” he declared. “You are the most inquisitive female I’ve ever encountered. I’m certain you could help us profit immensely.”

Suddenly she, too, laughed. “Is that why you are offering for me, then?”

Gilbert grabbed her hands once more and finally pulled her into his arms, as he had been wishing to do for weeks.

“Not at all, my very dear lady. I’ve offered for you because I can’t see a complete life for myself without you in it. I am terribly sorry for how angry I was yesterday. I should never have thrown you out of the house. I ought to have locked you in it and made you swear to marry me, as I cannot imagine a happy future for myself if you do not agree to do so. Do say you’ll stop fighting it, and you’ll be my duchess. I cannot promise that it will be completely free of tedium, but I swear to do my best to give you an interesting life.”

Her gaze searched his intensely for a moment before a grin split her face, and she nodded.

“I thought you would never ask,” she said with a little smile. “I didn’t know how much I had come to love you until you left me here all alone.”

He pulled her into his arms as he had thought to do several times in the past. Then her eyes widened as she watched his head descend and his lips sealed hers as their love welled up between them, filling all the empty spaces within them that they’d never thought could be filled.
