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“This is only supposition, but Nicholas implied they both might have issues with your family,” Alex began, hesitating to continue.

He watched as Lady Graciela puzzled over the matter. He had never thought to admire intelligence in a woman, but it was obvious this one had enough going on in her upper works. She didn’t seem confused by his statements, merely puzzled as to their veracity.

“I suppose it is possible that Lord Griffiths could have a grudge against my father, or rather my little brother, but what would that have to do with Rathnelly? I don’t know much about it, but I know there was some sort ofcontretempsbetween Lord Bertram and Mr. Northcott, but again, that has nothing to do with Rathnelly. I would say it is quite a stretch to connect the two.”

“Apparently, Rathnelly doesn’t think so.”

“I still do not understand why the servants wouldn’t have known about this if it is so well known thatyouhave been informed. In my experience, the servants always know everything. Is it unusual that Nicholas has spoken so freely with you? And why would Lord Griffiths be going after Rathnelly in the first place? If he has something against my family, wouldn’t it make more sense to interfere with Sherton or Glendale?”

She poured him another cup of tea.

Alex was surprised by her calm acceptance as well as her intelligent rationalizations. He had never had such a conversation with a woman before. He felt himself rearranging his thoughts on the subject. Perhaps, he ought to try to be a little more open to the realization that females could be intelligent creatures. It was becoming increasingly evident to him that, at the very least, the woman sitting before him certainly was.


Alex took a sip of the hot beverage, not quite comfortable with the delicate cup, despite his years of training. He always tried to avoid taking tea with ladies, as it felt quite ridiculous to him. But he found he didn’t want to offend the lady any more than he already had.

“As it stands, not all my information came from Nicholas. It has been talked about among the London clubs that your cousin, Lord Griffiths, has been seeking a way to cause trouble for your family ever since your brother was born. I first heard about it as anon ditsome time ago. It’s ridiculous, considering it isn’t your family’s fault Lord Griffiths is no longer the heir. Or rather, it isn’t your family’s fault that he set so much store inbeingyour father’s heir.”

“It is a trifle embarrassing, though, isn’t it? That Society would be talking about something so petty? My parents can be blamed in a certain way, I suppose, but they are thrilled about Augustus’s arrival. It wasn’t like Lord Griffiths ever paid any attention to us. If he had visited and grown attached to the estate rather than the income he was obviously anticipating from it, I might find a little more sympathy for him in my heart. But, as you say, if he is seeking to cause trouble for us, I will happily stick a spoke in his wheel. What can you tell me about it?”

Alex was, once again, impressed with her reaction. He had half expected her to be in hysterics by now. Which, given what he knew about her already, was foolish. She never seemed to get worked up about anything. Even when she seemed upset about something, she managed to keep it contained, not taking to her smelling salts or throwing a fit as he had witnessed from his mother and her companions. Save the rambling he’d witnessed when he’d first arrived at the estate, which was, under the circumstances, a perfectly respectable reaction, Lady Graciela Sherton seemed all but completely unflappable.
