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“Thank you, Mr. Carter.”

Alex hid his smile as he watched the experienced older servant nearly melt under the girl’s gentle smile. Clearly, she was used to getting her way. Alex wanted to be irritated but found it was impossible when she turned that smile on him. He attempted to ignore it.

“Lord Sterling.” She drew his attention back to her with her soft voice. “I am afraid my abilities end with what we have accomplished thus far. Or rather, not my abilities, as I am certain that I am able and capable of any matter of things. But I haven’t a clue as to what we ought to do next, so I am going to have to rely on you to tell me what to do. I intend to do whatever is necessary, but if you have some ideas or experience in the matter of investigating who might be threatening my family, I would love to hear them.”

Amusement welled in him once more; he wanted to be irritated with her but found it was impossible.

“I cannot say that I have a great deal of experience investigating anything, either, but I did just discover that my steward was robbing me, so I suppose I have a little.”

Her mouth opened in a gratifyingly shocked yet admiring sort of expression, and Alex felt his chest puff out with pride. He shook his head at his own ridiculous behaviour then cleared his throat and refocused his attention. He was just about to tell her his plan when the butler returned with the four footmen and grooms who would be carrying their messages.

The four men accepted the seriousness of their commission and left almost as soon as they had entered. Alex rather thought they were considering the young woman as their queen. He puzzled over wondering why she inspired such devotion. He thought it was likely her gentle demeanour. She seemed so innocent and pleasant, but then would look at one with such direct strength. He could see that it could be powerfully influential. As evidenced by the four servants doing their utmost to accomplish their assignments.

As soon as the footmen had left and they were alone once more, Lady Grace turned to him full of expectant inquiry. It made Alex’s mind empty for the briefest moment. His face heated as he remembered what they had been discussing before the interruption.

“Yes, of course,” he stammered at first. “I would like to speak with the mill overseer and Rathnelly’s clerks. They may not be comfortable telling me anything, but hopefully they can at least give me an idea of who else has been asking questions.”

As he spoke, he watched her gaze narrow into a glare, even though he couldn’t fathom why.

“I gather you meant to say that is wherewewill gain more information, right, my lord?”

Alex’s mouth opened to reply, but he wasn’t sure what to say to her. Finally, he merely nodded. He supposed she was already involved. He would have to put up with her tagging along with him for now. Anticipation filled him at the thought.

“I cannot guarantee they will wish to be open with me if you are present,” he finally explained.

“Of course, you cannot, my lord. On the other hand, they might be more willing to share with me than with you, seeing as how I’m the duchess’s sister.”

Alex didn’t want to admit to her that it was a possibility he hadn’t thought of, but there was some truth to her words.

“Shall we go there now?” was all he could be bothered to say. He was relieved to note that her smile wasn’t in the least bit mocking or triumphant as she sallied forth from the room ahead of him, calling out for Mr. Carter to have Sterling’s gig brought around.

“Thank you, my lord,” she murmured as he handed her up into the gig. Alex’s hands lingered on her waist. As usual, her soft voice affected Alex. He would have thought he would have begun to grow inured to it, but the affliction seemed to be worsening rather than improving. He wondered if he would survive the coming days.
