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As though she had anticipated Grace’s letter and had her response ready in advance, Felicity’s reply was delivered to her while she was changing for supper.

My dear Gracie,

I did hear from Rathnelly. That’s who told me everything, you naughty sister. You are correct, you should have been the one to do so, but I understand why you didn’t, so all is forgiven. I am in agonies of curiosity, though, as you can surely imagine. And will have dozens of questions for you when next we can meet in person.

As always, your sister,


Grace was relieved by her sister’s response. At least, she didn’t have to worry about how or what to tell her now. She was, however, somewhat aggrieved that the duke hadn’t thought to reply to her messages. Since she was the one trying to investigate who might be looking to cause him trouble, you would think he would be a little more informative. She ought to be relieved that all seemed to be well with him, and she was, but she was still a little annoyed.

A glance at the clock told her she should hurry if she didn’t want to keep Alex waiting for her. She lifted her skirt so as to not trip over it as she ran up the stairs, still thinking about Rathnelly. She supposed he thought he was invincible. It seemed to be a trait of every duke she was acquainted with. And as such, she supposed he didn’t consider that anyone would be worried about him. But at least he had sent word to someone. Now, she could turn her full attention to the matters at hand rather than concerning herself with his physical welfare.

Gracie dithered over what to wear, nearly giving herself and her maid fits as she pondered what should have been a simple decision. When one considered what she had been facing that day, the matter of which frock to don for the evening meal was less than minor. But after having argued with Alex at various points throughout the afternoon, she wanted to put her best foot forward that evening. There were a few points throughout the day when she had been torn between wishing to rail and scream at the obtuse man one moment and a strong desire to throw herself into his arms another. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. So, she figured for the evening, if she were feeling perfectly confident in her attire, perhaps her behaviour would follow suit. It would not do to cause a scene in her sister’s home.

Not that it was acceptable to do so anywhere, she reminded herself with a grin as she left her room and descended to the receiving room.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting,” she excused as she entered the room and found the earl already present.

“Not at all,” he answered promptly. “I have just arrived myself.” He looked at her with admiration, which brought heat to Gracie’s cheeks. “Did you have a rest? You appear much restored.”

“Thank you, my lord, that’s kind of you to say. But no, I had to confer with my sister and the servants.”

“Did you speak to the duchess? Are the children well?”

“Well, I didn’t actually speak with her, more like we exchanged words. Written words. But yes, the children are doing well, it would seem. And so is the duke. I don’t have any details, but it was he who told Felicity what is happening.”

The expression of sympathy upon the man’s face almost made Grace give in to the mess of emotions that were tumbling around within her. But she was made of sterner stuff than that, she reminded herself as she took a deep breath and held everything in.

“It was better that he told her. There’s a good chance she might already know more than we do. I should have thought to ask her before we went haring off about the county.”

“If she told you she knows what has taken place, wouldn’t she have also told you what else she might know?”

Grace had to accept the wisdom of his words as she took his elbow and followed the butler to the breakfast room where they were to dine. She was relieved the servants weren’t putting them in either of the dining rooms, as they were both much too large for two people.

Nerves tightened her stomach at the thought of the evening looming before them. She would have to entertain the sociable earl for at least the length of the meal. Even if she were to excuse herself for being too tired, she would have to make it through however many courses the kitchens sent up. Grace couldn’t remember what arrangements she had made with the housekeeper for that day, but she was certain the staff would have prepared well for their noble guest.

Blessedly, the courses passed quickly. The wine flowed along with the conversation and before she knew it, Grace was taking her leave of the gentleman, excusing herself for the night due to her fatigue and the early morning they had agreed to the next day. They would be riding over to the next village to inquire there about the mysterious stranger the clerks had told them had been lurking about, since no one closer by had been able to identify him. It was going to be an early morning, and if she was going to be on horseback, she would need all the energy she could muster.

Before she took her leave of the earl, though, there was one thing she just had to say.

“Thank you for helping me with this matter, my lord. I know you feel honour bound as a gentleman to do it, but I still appreciate all that you’re doing for my family. And I truly appreciate that you haven’t said anything disparaging about anyone, despite the fact that it very well could be a relative of mine that we are seeking.”

To her surprise, the nobleman laughed. “None of us can choose our relatives, so it would be unseemly for me to speak ill of yours.”

Without another word and the briefest curtsy, Grace fled from the room.

The next morning dawned bright and beautiful. It would be a lovely day for their ride. Whenever she forgot about the ugliness behind why they were conducting the investigation, she found herself enjoying herself immensely. Grace never would have thought she could enjoy exerting herself. She didn’t think it was the company alone that pleased her, but that certainly didn’t hurt.

Their destination was the Horse and Hare Inn about twelve miles west of Rathnelly. She wasn’t a bruising rider, so they had to allow enough time for rest stops as well as any likely places they might ask about strangers in the neighbourhood.

Grace wondered how that would go over if they were also considered strangers. She wasn’t highly hopeful about their prospects of success.

It had taken far longer than Alex had thought it ought to for them to arrive at their destination, and Gracie was starting to see conspiracy wherever she looked by the time they rode into the innyard. For all she knew, there could be multiple threats against both Rathnelly and the Sherton family. All they had thus far been able to confirm was that there was someone poking around in Rathnelly’s affairs, and they had been told that one of his ships had been damaged in some way that appeared suspicious. But after asking about strangers in every village they rode through, Grace felt suspicious of everyone she laid eyes on.

“What made you choose this destination, my lord?” she had asked about a mile out.
