Page 119 of The Hookup Plan

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Nina’s wave had been short and brief, but her accompanying smile and the joy radiating from her made London’s sacrifices to get here worth it. Granted, some of those sacrifices were bigger than others, but they were all still worth it. She knew what it was like to have a parent who couldn’t be bothered to spare even the most infinitesimal bit of his time. Neither of her sisters would endure any more of that.

London’s most significant forfeiture, by far, was the fellowship in Chicago.

She’d officially declined it yesterday. Her call with Dr. Bruce Richardson had been immediately followed by a call from Dr. Eveline Mayberry. The older woman had not minced words when it came to voicing her disappointment, but she had also applauded London for doing what she thought was right for herself. Which she had then followed with a ten-minute diatribe about why London was wrong about what she thought was right for herself.

They’d ended the call with a plan to meet for dinner when Dr. Mayberry attended a medical conference in San Antonio next month. She cautioned London that she would continue to push her to come to Chicago, but it was also meant to be a way for them to remain in touch.

TheEveline Mayberry was determined to work with her one day. London still could not fully grasp it.

But London felt it in her heart that shehadmade the right choice, despite Aleshia Williams ranting that London was out of her mind and offering to take her place, even though it wasn’t her specialty.

London knew she wouldn’t have been happy in Chicago. The fellowship she’d accepted from St. David’s Children’s Hospital here in Austin would allow her to work a number of hours at Travis County Hospital every week, while also studying under the tutelage of Dr. Regina Lewis, another star when it came to Black female doctors. Dr. Lewis also happened to be one of Eveline Mayberry’s most lauded students.

Yeah, she’d made the right choice.

“Nice spike!” Drew called.

“Is that what it’s called when they pounce on the ball like that?” London asked.

“Do you know anything about volleyball?” Drew asked.

She reached into her pocket and produced the earrings she’d taken out of her ears earlier.

“I came here wearing these,” she said.

“These are soccer balls.”

“Exactly.” She looked over at him and saw the effort he was making not to laugh. “You can laugh.”

“I won’t,” Drew said. “At least not to your face.” He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her closer to him, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “The fact that you know nothing about volleyball yet you’re here—especially after that long surgery this morning—makes you a contender for the Big Sister of the Year Award in my mind.”

“I have a long way to go before I can claim any rights tothataward,” she said with a laugh. “But I can endure a volleyball match if it means Nina will feel that she has someone in her corner. Sometimes, that can make all the difference. Oh, and the spa day I’ve booked for me, Nina, and Koko will help my chances in the Big Sister of the Year category. I plan to teach them both the importance of self-care.”

“As you continue to learn it yourself?” Drew asked.

“Hey.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a skein of yarn. “I’m doing a lot better. I’m working on your beanie between matches.”

“You’re going for the Girlfriend of the Year Award, too, I see.” He leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. “Hey, you mind if we talk about work while we watch the match?”

“Of course not,” London said. She tried to ignore the scent of nachos wafting from somewhere behind her as she took a bite of the homemade fruit leather Taylor had delivered to her yesterday. Salty snacks were out; healthy snacks were in. She didn’t like it, but she would deal.

“What’s up?” London asked, holding out the chewy, strawberry-flavored strip to him.

He declined with a shake of his head and rubbed his hands together. Then he flattened his palms on his thighs. London realized it was the first time she’d seen him in jeans—and she absolutely loved them on him.

“Here’s the deal,” Drew said. “I’m making a million-dollar donation to Travis County Hospital.”

London nearly choked on the fruit leather.

“That’s the initial amount,” he clarified. “It’s the start of an endowment that I’m setting up in my mother’s name. It’s to benefit cancer patients, and since the pediatric ward treats cancer patients, the multisensory environment room falls under the endowment’s purview.”

“Drew,” she whispered, shaking her head. “No. You know that money doesn’t solve everything.”

“Except that sometimes it does, London.” His earnest expression went straight for her heart. “There are a lot of problems in this world that could easily be solved if those with an abundance of wealth spread that money around. This is one of those issues. The only reason County couldn’t get that sensory room built is because it didn’t have the money to pay for it. I do. Problem solved.”

London knew he’d purposely delivered this news in that pragmatic fashion with the intent of downplaying the magnitude of his gift. It was his nature. But she would not allow him to minimize this.

“That is amazing, Drew.Youare amazing.”
