Page 120 of The Hookup Plan

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“No, I’m—”

“Yes, you are,” she said, cutting him off. She took his hand and brought it to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on his palm. Then she brought it to her chest and held it there. “That sensory room will make such a huge difference for the patients at County, and it will all be due to your generosity.”

“And your vision,” he added.

Gratitude swelled within her, until it felt as if there were no room for anything else. Except for love. She loved this man with her entire being.

“But this isn’t just about one project,” he continued. “Although your sensory roomisthe catalyst, make no mistake about that. But, London, I lost my mom because of inadequate health care. My millions couldn’t save her, but they could have given me more time with her if her early treatment had been better. This endowment will ensure that others have more time with their loved ones. I honestly can’t think of a worthier cause to spend my money on.”

“Neither can I,” she said. She palmed his jaw and leaned her forehead against his. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Those two words are so insufficient, but they’re all I can think to say right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“Thankyoufor being the kind of doctor you are. Your patients will never know how lucky they are to have you, London.”

She looked into his eyes and was overwhelmed by the love staring back at her.

Love like this was unimaginable to her just two short months ago. Lovingthisparticular man like this? Never in this lifetime could she have ever conceived of it.

Never had she been so happy to have been proven wrong.


There they are!” London took Drew by the hand as they made their way around the tables at the Asian fusion restaurant in Downtown Austin. She had been surprised when Samiah had suggested this place of all places for their couples dinner tonight. But, in a way, it was fitting. It’s where she, Samiah, and Taylor had met.

Who would have thought she’d ever be so damn grateful for that no-good, three-timing asshole Craig Johnson. If their paths were to ever cross again, London would probably give that bastard a hug. His assholery had resulted in the most amazing blessing a woman could ask for, two remarkable girlfriends. And it was the encouragement of those two girlfriends that had forced her to get out of her own way so that she would be open to seeing the good in the man at her side.

Yeah, she would hug Craig Johnson. She’d probably also knee him in the balls for being such an asshole, but a hug would soon follow.

“Sorry we’re late,” London said.

“Don’t worry, we know,” Samiah said. “You got held up at the hospital.”

London looked to Drew and nodded. “Okay, we’ll go with that.”

“You two were getting busy, weren’t you?” Taylor asked with a sly grin.

London ignored her question as she sat in the seat next to Jamar, Taylor’s boyfriend. “Please tell me the Volcano sushi roll has already been ordered,” she said.

“Three of them,” Jamar said. “I have to see what all the hype is about.”

“Believe me, it will blow your mind,” London told him.

“We ordered for the table once you texted that you were on your way,” Samiah said. “Taylor and Jamar have an early flight to North Carolina in the morning to celebrate her mom’s promotion to senior partner, so we can’t be out too late.”

“Yay for Mama Powell,” London said. “Give her a high five from me.” London looked to Samiah. “So, what made you choose this restaurant of all places?”

“Well, first, because it’s been a while since I had that sushi roll, and I’ve been craving it.”

“Craving?” London asked with a raised brow.

“I’m not pregnant,” Samiah said.

“No, she is not pregnant,” Daniel added.

“Girl, don’t bring that energy around here.” Taylor made a shooing motion with her fingers. “Nobody’s looking to have babies anytime soon.”

“Now, I didn’t say all that,” Samiah said. “The other reason I picked this restaurant is because it felt like the best place to share this full-circle moment.” She stretched out her left hand. “We’ve decided to do a thing.”

A gorgeous diamond ring shone under the lights hanging above their table.
