Page 81 of The Hookup Plan

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“You did not!” Taylor laughed.

“I swear I did.” London held her hand to the sky. “Picture me standing in the chemistry lab with the key to the cabinet that contained all the deadliest chemicals. Ya girl almost ended up as the star of an episode ofDateline.”

Taylor and Samiah burst out laughing.

“That’s really not fair to Drew,” Samiah said. “You do realize that, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” London said. “But it’s stunning just how difficult it was for me to shake those feelings from all those years ago.”

“Don’t hate me for saying this,” Taylor said. “But your dad sounds like a bit of an asshole.”

“He’s a major asshole,” London said. “Believe me, I’ve only scratched the surface. He’s arrogant, a chauvinist, and a philanderer, and the bastard is the reason why I’ve been placed on leave from the hospital for the next week.”

“Hold up. Record scratch,” Samiah said. “On leave?”


This was rapidly turning into an unwelcome therapy session. London hadn’t shared this much about herself since that time she was forced to go to confession prior to making her First Communion in the second grade.

“I didn’t want to say anything because I know how you two can blow stuff out of proportion, but I’m borderline hypertensive.”

She gave them an abbreviated version of the incident at the hospital that day, and explained how Dr. Renault had ordered her to take some time off.

Samiah reached over and grabbed the drink from her hand.

“Hey!” London said.

“Take the food too,” Taylor said. “It’s salty. That’s not good for people with high blood pressure.”

“Don’t touch my spring rolls,” London warned. “Look, I’m fine. I said that I amborderline. I haven’t been diagnosed with anything, and I won’t be.” She released a deep breath. “I’m going to learn how to relax. I’m going to schedule time off. I’m going to do what I need to do to take care of myself.”

“You should journal,” Samiah said. “It’s relaxing. And it’ll give you an outlet to work through your daddy issues.”

“I no longer have daddy issues,” London pointed out. “I am well and truly over trying to please Kenneth Kelley.”

“Are you sure?” Taylor looked unconvinced.

“Yes,” London assured her. “My mom forgave him for treating her like shit years ago, but I’ve decided it’s just better for me to maintain my distance.”

Although she was sure to see him at Miles’s birthday party, because when it came to his son, her dad never missed a thing. It was yet another reason to steal some time away with Nina while down in Bluff Springs next Saturday.

London reached for her drink, but Samiah held it farther out of her reach. Instead, she picked up the one Samiah had left unguarded on the table and downed the remainder of it in one large gulp.

Samiah gasped. “You sneaky bitch. I can’t believe people trust you with their children.”

“I love you too,” London said. She pushed up from the sofa and grabbed her purse. “I have a weekend getaway that I need to pack for. I’ll see you ladies next Friday?”

“Unless I’m in Philly,” Samiah said.

“Bring back some wine!” Taylor called. “And have fun!”

London waved on her way out the door. “I plan to do both.”


Drew parked at the curb in front of the quaint, powder-blue bungalow with a gabled roof, white decorative beams, and matching white window shutters. It was dark when he’d last come here, so this was his first good look at London’s home. The right side featured a porch with green vines growing along the railing. Neat flower beds with perfectly trimmed hedges lined either side of the stone steps that led up to the front door.

It surprised the hell out of him.
