Page 158 of Invoking the Blood

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Most of it, probably. She hoped she could salvage a plant or two. Guilt ate at her for leaving them to wilt and suffer. Faye made her way to the courtyard, stepping into the gardens. The midday sun beamed down on her. The warmth welcomed her back like an old friend.

Bracing for the worst, she stepped through the second archway. Faye’s lips parted as her heart lit. She hurried to her garden unable to believe her eyes. Her plants were alive. More than that, they were thriving.

Faye shifted the plump leaves inspecting the stems and soil. She sat back in disbelief. They were pristine. Rune must have tied the magic that cared for the black roses to maintain her herb garden. She couldn’t imagine him watering her plants while she was gone.

But her oversize watering can wasn’t in its usual place. Someone set it near the fountain. Faye smiled, brushing her fingers over the leafy plants. Maybe the Shadow Prince did care for her plants in her absence.

Faye left the gardens, biting the inside of her lip. Rune would probably be in his study. She’d missed him. The connection she felt when she was near him. Darkness, she needed to learn to phase. Walking seemed so much longer when teleportation was an option.

She strolled up the hall and peered into Rune’s study. He sat behind his desk reviewing aged documents. Books piled in short stacks on either side of him. His gaze lifted to meet hers as she moved across his study. “You kept my garden for me.”

Rune canted his head as his brow pinched. “Why would I not?”

“Thank you.” Faye smoothed the perfectly arranged lapel of his jacket and took a seat on his thigh.

A whisper of the veined misted shadows crept from beneath his eyes as he lightly held her. “You are most welcome.”

This close she could feel his warmth. Perceive his decadent scent of amber and sandalwood. Being with him felt like home. Faye leaned forward, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered.

Rune rested his forehead against hers, wrapping her in his arms. A low purr reverberated through him, filling the room. “Every moment away from you has been agony.”

Her arms circled his neck. The feeling of possession humming through her. Burning slow and bright. Consuming her thoughts until all she saw was him.

This man belonged to her. To protect and cherish. To honor and love.

And she was his.

She leaned into him. Her lips meeting his in a slow, searing kiss. He pulled her against him, molding her to the hard planes of his body. His tongue stroked into her mouth as his fingers grazed the small of her back beneath her shirt

His touch made her blood sing. Her skin heating in response as she moaned, needing more of him.

She pulled back and a dark, predatory gaze met hers. Faye smiled, her heart softening for the sweet viciousness that lived within Rune. Faye cupped the side of his face, and Voshki leaned into her touch. He took a slow, deep inhalation as his lids slid closed. When he opened them, his eyes were pale blue once more.

Faye lowered her gaze fiddling with the edge of Rune’s jacket. “I feel like I’m always ignoring one of you.”

“You are not. The Ra’Voshnik and I are always present.”

“Can you let Voshki into my mind, like in our meetings?”

The familiar brush against her senses soothed her before a wild aggression edged in sexual heat filled her mind. Voshki’s presence enveloped her, covering her with his longing and desire.

“We share an awareness. We each know the other’s thoughts and words.”

“There’s no privacy between the two of you.”

The Shadow Prince knows you prefer me. It’s no secret, Voshki purred through her mind as a disembodied hand caressed her neck, sweeping her hair behind her shoulder.

Faye’s vision blurred for a moment, and she swayed. She pressed a hand to Rune’s chest to steady herself as the dizziness passed. A soft rumble sounded behind her as a hand slipped into her hair. She turned to find Voshki leaning on Rune’s desk.

“You can visit us both in our mind,” Voshki said, leaning forward as his hand tangled in the back of her hair.

Faye’s breath caught as Voshki’s grip tightened, pulling her hair taut to her scalp. He angled her head up, and Rune’s hand tightened over her hip. Faye flushed, caught between them.

Voshki leaned close bringing his lips a moment from hers, releasing his grip.

“We both belong to you,” Voshki rasped, lingering. Waiting.

He slid his index and middle finger up her neck. The backs of his black tipped claws gliding upward, sending a tremor of pleasure through her. Her breaths turned shallow as her nipples hardened.

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