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He set a tray onto the island. Then saw her approaching and smiled. “I brought us some breakfast. Figured you’d be hungry.”

“I am hungry,” she said, winding her arm around his waist. “But not for breakfast.”

Gideon’s eyes darkened. “Can you hold that thought? We need to eat, then meet with Mel and Devlin so they can debrief us. Afterwards, the sheriff is expecting us.” He hesitated. “Do you want to see Trotter?”

Alex frowned. “I don’t know,” she said slowly. “Do I have to make up my mind right now?”

“No. Let’s eat first, then I’ll help you get dressed.”

She elbowed him gently as she walked past him. “I thought you were supposed to want to get me undressed.”

“I do,” he said. “But anticipation is a great aphrodisiac.”

She snorted. “You really think we need an aphrodisiac?”

“God, no,” he said. “But it sounds better ‘than business before pleasure’.”

She stared at him for a long moment. Finally laughed. “You’re right. It does. So let’s get the business over with.”

He waved at the food on the counter. “Sit. Eat.”

After finishing her omelet and bacon, Alex pushed away from the table. “I’ll get dressed,” she said. “Let’s get this over with.”

Gideon pushed away, too. “Let me help you.” He grinned at her. “More fun for both of us.”

Fifteen minutes later, they sat in a small conference room in the office building. She sat next to Gideon on one side of the table, and Mel and Devlin sat on the other side. When they walked into the room, the owner’s heads were close together. Mel was speaking, but Alex couldn’t hear what she said.

When the door closed behind them, Mel and Dev sprang apart, as if they’d been caught. Mel turned to face Alex and Gideon, her cheeks pink.

Mel said, “How’re you doing this morning, Alex?”

Glancing from Mel to Dev and back to Mel, Alex shrugged. “Still a little tired, but I’m alive and my arm feels like it did before I used my cast to take out Kramer. That’s all that counts.”

Dev set a recorder on the table. “I’d like to record this. In case of any legal actions.”

“Okay,” Alex said after a moment. “As long as you check with me before you let anyone listen to it.”

Mel smiled. “Spoken like a lawyer.”

“Which is what I am,” Alex said, her voice cool.

Gideon reached for her hand and twined their fingers. “Ask away.”

Forty-five minutes later, Devlin turned off the recorder. “I’m sorry, but the sheriff called this morning. He needs to talk to you, as well. Are you up to talking to him?”

“Yeah.” Alex took a deep breath. “I’d like to get it over with.” She glanced at Gideon.

He nodded. “We can drive into Helena, if you like.”

“I’m okay with that,” she said. “Any word on how Jerry’s doing?”

“A surgeon reattached his finger,” Dev said. “Not sure it’s gonna take. It’ll be several days before they know.”

“What about Kramer and Sergei?” Gideon asked.

“They both survived their surgeries,” he continued. “Kramer pulled through his surgery, but he had significant damage to his intestinal tract. Might end up with a colostomy bag. Sergei is doing okay. He should live, too.”

Gideon nodded. “Good.” His mouth tightened. “I want to see both of them in prison.”
