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“That’s where they’ll be, based on what we heard from the recording on Alex’s phone.” Mel switched her gaze to Alex. “Nice job in getting that. Kramer made his guilt very clear in that recording. If he’s smart, he’ll take a plea deal to save himself from a gurney in a federal prison’s execution chamber.”

“Execution is too easy for Kramer,” Gideon said immediately. “I want him to suffer in prison.”

“I suspect you’ll get your wish,” Devlin said. He jerked his head toward the door. “Go into Helena and talk to the sheriff.” He pushed Alex’s phone across the table. “He’ll want to make a recording, as well.”

“I know.” She slid the phone into her pocket.

“Just one more thing,” Mel said. She glanced at Alex. Then at Gideon. “Alex, you’re probably ready to get back to Evanston. Sergei sent someone after your partner Sierra Baker, and Cody Parker’s with her now. We have no idea how much Kramer or Sergei told them about you, but we’re not taking any chances. The FBI has agreed to continue to pay Gideon to be your bodyguard, and for Cody to be Sierra’s. So you and Gideon can head back to Chicago whenever you’re ready.

“Gideon, with Kramer exposed and arrested, you can probably get your job with the FBI back. Dev and I both want you to know that if you choose not to return to the Bureau, we’d love to have you as a full-time, permanent member of the Blackhawk Security team.” She nodded at him. “Keep it in mind.”

Gideon nodded. “Thanks. I will.”

Two hours later, they walked out of the sheriff’s office. Gideon took Alex’s hand. Twined their fingers together. “Have you thought about seeing Trotter? Made a decision?” he asked.

“I don’t want to see him,” she said immediately. “What would be the point? I’m assuming his lawyer has told him about the divorce by now. We can let his lawyer and Sierra hammer out the settlement. I’m going to ask for the house and let him keep all his money, plus what I took out of his safe.” She shrugged her shoulders. “What else is there to talk about?”

“You don’t want an apology from him? Because if you do, you need to get it now. It sounds like the Bureau and the Marshal’s program will accept him into Witness Protection, in exchange for his files and testimony if there’s a trial.”

“I don’t need him to apologize to me.” She wrinkled her nose. “Not sure it would be genuine, anyway.” She tightened her grip on his hand. “Let’s go back to the compound. I had plans for this morning, and all this business delayed them.” She glanced at him. “That okay with you? Or did you want to do some shopping in Helena?”

Gideon’s mouth curled up, and he laughed at her. “God, Alex. How did I get so lucky to find you?”

“You were being paid to find me, remember? And kill me.” She brought their joined hands together and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. “I have a much better idea.”

“I’m all ears,” he said.

She grinned at him. “Not your ears I’m interested in right now.”
