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Hours later, Alex watched Gideon sleep beside her. They’d made love twice more, and she still wanted him. It felt as if they’d been lovers for years. They instinctively knew each other’s bodies. Knew where to kiss. Where to touch. Where to caress.

She hadn’t been with many men, and she’d never felt the connection she felt with Gideon. Had no idea this all-consuming need was even possible. She drew in a shaky breath. Tried to tell herself it was just great sex.

But it was far more than that. The bond she felt with him was one she’d never experienced with another man. The only other person she’d bonded so tightly with had been Mary.

It was terrifying to feel so much for another person.

She wrapped herself around Gideon. Clung to him as she pressed her face into his back. Could she convince him they had something special together? Something worth pursuing?

She had no idea, but she’d try her hardest. She smiled into his shoulder. She could be very persuasive when she put her mind to it.

For now, she’d fall asleep beside him, her body fitted against his. She closed her eyes and nuzzled closer. It was amazing how well she slept with Gideon beside her.

She was dreaming about Gideon when warm fingers stroked her arm. She twitched, trying to ignore it. Trying to hold onto the dream. Then someone kissed her.

Her eyes flew open and there was Gideon, his face close to hers. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” he said, pressing another kiss to her lips. “Time to get up.”

She untangled her arms from the covers and pulled him close. “What if I want to stay in bed?” she said. “I have some thoughts about how we could spend our time.”

His eyes darkened. “I’d love to hear them. Later. Right now, we have to get ready for breakfast and more meetings with Mel and Dev.”

She rolled over and pressed herself against his body. Smiled when she realized he was interested in staying in bed, as well. “How about we skip breakfast,” she murmured, throwing her leg over his. “Go straight to the meetings.”

He opened his mouth and gave her a deep, drugging kiss. But as she reached for him, he drew away. Slid out of bed and stood looking down at her, his erection thick and tempting. “There are only seven of us here,” he said. “If we don’t show up for breakfast, the reason’ll be pretty obvious. You want everyone to know how we spent the night?”

Alex flopped back onto the pillows. “Damn it. Are you always so logical?”

He smiled down at her. Reached for her hands and tugged her out of bed. “You’re the attorney. You’re supposed to be the logical one.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “C’mon, we’ll shower together. That’ll have to hold us.”

* * *

After breakfast, Gideon watched Alex walk away with Mel, headed for her office. Alex glanced over her shoulder, smiled at him, then turned toward Mel. His boss was going to explain their thinking about her situation. And she probably had some questions for Alex. Gideon knew Alex didn’t want to be trapped in the compound, but he was confident that Mel and Dev would come up with a solution.

He was going with Dev to check out the tapes of Trotter and the Russians watching the compound and to figure out a way to take them down.

When he walked into the guard’s office, Dev was already there. “Sit down,” he said. “Look at what we have.”

The guards had highlighted several sections of the tapes. As Gideon watched, he felt Dev studying him. Feeling like he was being tested, he tried to ignore his boss. Finally, after seeing all the sections they’d highlighted, Gideon swiveled to face Devlin.

“If I was watching a compound like this, looking for a way in, I’d check all of it,” Gideon said, glancing back at the screens. “Move around, study the whole perimeter, looking for weaknesses. Sit at a different place every day. Study the security from different angles. Figure out where it could be breeched. But they’ve gone to the same locations every time,” he said. “Why do you think they’re doing that?”

Dev smiled. “Some of our surveillance cameras are obvious. The ones on the fencing. The ones attached to the buildings. But the cameras where those guys are hunkering down are well-hidden,” Dev said, his eyes gleaming. “Deliberately. When those three clowns started watching the place yesterday, they walked around the whole perimeter. They chose their hiding places because they thought no one would see them. They’re falling right into our laps.”

Gideon swiveled around to stare at Dev. “What are you talking about? Are you going to grab them?”

“If they don’t get tired of this in a few days? Oh, yeah. We’ll be waiting at those three spots when they show up. We’ll interrogate them. Make it clear that they’re not getting whatever they’re after, and that they’d be smart to leave. And after scaring the crap out of them, we’ll let them go.”

Fascinated by Dev’s strategy, Gideon leaned back in his chair. “You’ve had situations like this before?”

“A couple of times.” Dev grinned. “That strategy worked like a charm. I think all the guys we caught pissed themselves. When we let them go, they ran like the devil was after them. Never came back.”

Gideon smiled. “I appreciate a devious mind. If we have to take that step with these three, I want to be part of the team that interrogates them.”

“Hell, no,” Dev said immediately. “One of those guys is the man who hired you to kill his wife.” He studied Gideon long enough that Gideon shifted a little in his chair. “A woman Mel thinks you’re now involved with. The two Russians have seen you as well.” He slapped Gideon on the back. “Sorry, man. You won’t be part of this op.”

Gideon clenched his teeth for a moment. Finally sighed and relaxed his shoulders. Dev was right. “I guess that’s fair,” he said. “I don’t want word getting out about my association with Blackhawk Security. Maybe they’ve seen me in the compound, think I look familiar from a distance. But up close? They’d be sure.” He shoved away from the table. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do from inside the compound.”

“Will do,” Dev said, searching Gideon’s face. “You do nice work, Wolf.”
