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“Thanks, Dev,” Gideon said, standing up. “I’ll let you get back to work. I need to call Conklin at the FBI and see if he has any news.”

As Gideon exited from the security office, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Tony had been digging into Kramer in his spare time, and Gideon was eager to know what his friend had discovered.

Ten minutes later, he walked into the apartment, frustrated and angry at the dead ends and redacted pages Tony had found. “Alex?” he called. “You here?”

Silence. She must still be with Mel.

Gideon shoved the phone back into his pocket, then spotted Alex’s tote bag on the bookshelf. Had she left those files in her bag? He knew they weren’t in her purse, because he’d seen its contents when she’d checked to make sure her gun was there. So maybe she’d put the files into the tote.

According to Tony, Kramer had been cleaning up after himself at the FBI. Kramer must have been spooked when Gideon’s old boss Morton was caught. Tony’d found no evidence that Kramer was connected with the Bratva, although both he and Tony were sure he was. Those files might be his last chance to figure out if his former boss was dirty.

If he had that information, it would be easier to protect Alex. He’d know where all the threats were coming from.

He wouldn’t read them. As he moved toward the bookcase, he told himself he just wanted to see if they had anything to do with Kramer and the Bratva. He’d just scan the contents, looking for Kramer’s name.

He stared at the tote for a long moment, knowing he shouldn’t look inside it. Alex would be angry if he did. It would be a betrayal of her trust. But they could clear up so much for him. Show him a path to proving Kramer was dirty.

He found himself next to the bookcase. Stared at the bag for a long time, trying to justify looking at Alex’s files. Reached out for the bag.

Closed his hand into a fist.
