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She rested her head over his thundering heart. She was drugging him with her mere presence, and he’d never be able to walk away.

The thought kept surfacing in his mind, because it was so unlike him. He was a hard-ass, he saw the bigger picture in life. He had no idea where or how Angelina fit in.

He just didn’t want her to go away from him.

He cupped her ass, and she threw her thigh across his. Her breathing slowed, and she gave a final little quake.

“I think I finally quit cumming,” she said with a little giggle. “That was amazing, Ford.”

“Mmm. I can’t stop thinking about your ass squeezing my finger.”

She turned her face against his chest, and he knew she was blushing.

“It was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever known in my life.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” she said in a small voice.

“I fucking loved it.” He squeezed her ass.

A moment of silence passed, and then she said, “Ford?”

“Hmm.” He was drifting in a pleasant after-haze. This never happened with his past lovers. He got his pleasure, gave it too, and then left. He wasn’t the cuddling type.

“What you said about making me yours...”

That brought him around. “I meant it, Angelina.”

She pushed onto her elbow to stare down into his face. “You know this can’t go on. It can’t work between us.”

He stared at her, his chest suddenly burning. “It can if we make it work.”


“We figure it out.”

“I’m your professor, Ford. I will lose my job if we’re found out.”

“Won’t happen. I’ll take care of it. Or we’ll just keep our relationship under wraps until I finish my classes. Easy enough.” He only had a few weeks of two classes before he graduated.

And got that promotion he’d been gunning for. Which meant within months he’d be in another country with heavy artillery fire raining down on him. Was it right to drag Angelina into that? She deserved better, didn’t she?

No, she deserved to be loved and cherished, and nobody could do that better than him.

“I don’t know, Ford.”

“Baby, we have all the time in the world to work out the particulars. Right now, let’s just enjoy each other.” He reached up and caressed the loose hair off her cheek. She leaned into his touch like a goddamn kitten, and his heart gave a jerk. No, he wasn’t walking away from her. No matter what.

Chapter Five

Their time together seemed like a dream world now. Five days after she’d spent twelve amazing hours with the beautiful god of a soldier, Angelina could still hardly believe the things she’d done.

Or let him do to her.

Her mouth watered just thinking about his body. She craved Ford like an alcoholic craved whiskey. She needed to taste him—needed him in her mouth.

She toyed with a strand of her hair, twisting it around her finger as she waited for her next class to arrive. Her notes were spread across her desk, and today she’d probably need them. Her focus was on a hot soldier, not work.

A step sounded, and she looked up to see a man silhouetted in the doorway. The light from the hallway kept her from seeing his face clearly, but it wasn’t the man she’d loved for twelve exquisite hours.
