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Then there had been the redhead in HR. Pauline. Come to find it out, she had her eyes set on my man long before I arrived.

I guess every attempt she had at seducing Grayson failed, and I turned into the angry target for her rejections.

When a compromising picture of Sloan and I enjoying some alone time in his office my first week as his new assistant showed up on every screen in the building, it didn’t take long to track down who had snapped the revealing picture. Pauline no longer worked at Sloan and Morre Law firm and coming to work ever since turned into pure bliss.

With the office clear of all the negative energy, I had some more great news to share and could hardly wait for the elevator to hit the twenty-second floor. I jumped at thedingof the bell and bustled my way past Grayson’s partner’s assistant with a quick wave and smile.

“Morning, boss. Can I get you some sugar with that coffee?”

I don’t pause at the door nor do I keep the huge smile on my face professional like we agreed on long before the ring on my finger.

I’m still working toward my own law degree while being my husband-to-be’s full-time assistant. We both agreed my future must stay on course no matter what, and I’m relieved to know he’s there to back me up all the way.

Grayson pushes to his feet and cocks his head with a slight smile to his lips.

“It is a little bleak. Bean water, I swear. Please don’t tell Trish I said that, though. She’ll stop bringing her cherry pie every Friday for causal day.” He puckered his lips, and I glided through the door and locked it behind me.

The man had a sweet tooth.

Using the best imitation I could muster of Scarlett Johansson strutting her stuff on the red carpet, I make my way across the office. With each step I pop a button on my blouse and by the time I stood in front of him, the only thing between him and my puckered nipples is a sheer covering of white silk and lace.

“Mmm,” he growls and his hands are on my hips, helping me slide my ass over the ledge of his desk.

Pressing my legs wide, my skirt knots around my upper thighs and in this position, one yank from him and my panties would be on the floor.

“To what do I owe the honor of my wife-to-be this early and practically naked thirty minutes before a client is due?”

I smiled. “This.”

So mesmerized by my cleavage, my man fails to see I carry something in my hand.

I pull out a pregnancy stick with two pink stripes from behind my back. “You’re going to be a daddy in six months.”

Dark brown eyes landed on mine, and I swear to all my ancestors I can feel the power of my words on him to my very soul with that one look.

Strong arms came around me and I’m pulled against a hard chest. “This is the best day of my life. No wait,” he murmurs next to my ear. “The day I met you was just as special. Then again, marrying you will also be the best day of my life. Fuck it! Every day of my life with you is the best day of my life!”

I laugh so hard tears slip from the corners of my eyes as strong, warm arms wrap around me. I bury my face in the crook of Grayson’s neck and breathe in everything that makes him my soulmate.

“I never thought I’d be pregnant on my wedding day. We’ll have to get a specially made dress if we want a Christmas wedding.”

He pulls me back, a frown on his face. “You’ll be the most beautiful bride and I won’t be able to take my eyes or hands off you.”

I smile. “I like the sound of that, boss.”

Between my thighs I can feel his shaft growing into a hard ridge. His fingers are already busy shoving my panties to the side, and I’m instantly wet for the man to penetrate me.

“Quick question, sweetheart.”


“When can we start on baby number two? I’m anxious for a huge family, the big house and maybe a dog. Maybe…I'm not sure. Maybe we can start with a goldfish or something.” The twinkle in his eyes had me chuckling.

“Whoa, there, boss, let’s finish with baby number one first, along with my law degree, and I would love an aquarium.”

“Sounds good to me. Let’s see how fast we can cum before my meeting. Suddenly I’m ravenous for Cherry pie and it’s only Tuesday.”

With that he thrust into me, and I can already see the next chapter of our lives being written. And it ended with they loved each other until their very last breath.

