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“And the pay...more than your two jobs put together,” Mom continued. “I thought you might like that. Your dad and I would love to be in the same city as you for once.”

That did sound nice. No more killer heels to earn higher tips, worrying about the mortgage and wondering if I’d ever get back to college. Plus, I could kiss solo walks in parking lots at night goodbye.

But what about Cade and Jace?

I silenced the voice in my head. “Can I have a couple of days to think about it?” I asked and kicked at the deflated rubber.

“That’s about all I can give, hun. She’s desperate. You’d think we lived in New York and not Miami with how quick she makes decisions.”

My family moved around a lot when I was younger until one day my mom said that she was done. Seattle was it. They bought a house, set up a pizzeria and things went well for a time. Until they didn’t and ended up in Miami to help out my uncle with his restaurant. I stayed, kept the house and picked up the tab on the mortgage.

I breathed out. “Yeah, message received. I have to go now, Mom. Talk to you soon, okay?”

“Be careful, babe. Love you.”

I disconnected and sighed.

Looking at the rusted lug nuts, I knew I had limited options. I thumbed on my phone and hovered over the local taxi number. I didn’t realize I bypassed the taxi number and hit the next contact in my list until the deep baritone voice came over the speaker. Why I did it, I had no idea. Curiosity, fear, self-sabotage? Or, maybe a Frankenstein cocktail of all three.

But mostly, deep down I felt a need for closure. To find out what could have been before I accepted any job offer and moved on to the next phase of my life.

Biting at my lip, I wondered if I should hang up, run off to Miami and just let last night be it. Part of me knew forgetting Cade again would never happen. And now that I had a taste of Jace? A toe-to-tits shudder washed over me. Make that all of me.

I thought back to their dark warning.We need to do filthy things to you, Elle Morgan. You better run while you can.

What if I let them catch me for a night? Would that be such a bad thing? I could get my fantasy and then be on the next plane out of here and onto my new life.

I took a deep breath and liked my new plan. Everything would be perfect.

“Cade? It’s Elle. I need your help.”

Chapter Six


My whole body vibrated—fuck, I was restless, hungry. I’d been like this since we dropped Elle off at her place last night. It took a few minutes for Cade to convince me staying outside and watching over her was a bad idea and borderline stalker. We wanted her for so long, and after she walked away from us the first time, we were up half the night wondering if we’d ever see her again. Hell, I had a deep-seated feeling we wouldn’t. When I closed my eyes last night, I could feel her body pressed against mine and her sweet taste on my tongue. I didn’t want to lose that again.

We found the door where Elle worked unlocked twenty minutes later.

Damn it. She should have locked it. Anyone could have walked in before we got here. I threw a look over my left shoulder to Cade, and he nodded. “I know.”

When Cade received her call we were both sitting outside her house with all the intentions of waiting there until she returned home. After we got our answers about why she ditched us, we would have undressed her between us and tortured her body with all the orgasms she could handle until she promised never to do it again.

Or, at least that was one version of how I saw it going down. In all honesty, knowing her stubborn streak, our Elle would have forced us to pull the truth out with a thoroughly kinky spanking. Then, and only then, would she have confessed.

My dick got hard at the idea. Safe to say, I kind of hoped she opted for the stubborn route. Seeing her round, sweet ass all red and that tight pussy of hers creaming with delight at all the new sensations ticked major boxes for me. Fuck yes! I knew for a fact no one had touched her body the way we would.

“Hello, beautiful. Are you okay?”

Elle wrinkled her nose when we walked up to the bar where she stood. She didn’t like compliments, but we would change that shit soon enough. She thought beauty and her didn’t belong in the same sentence, which was utter bullshit. She ran circles around women who bought their beauty, the ones who made millions off their looks.

No one matched Elle’s classic beauty. Not in our college days and especially not now. Parked outside her house earlier, Cade and I agreed this would be our last season. Our contracts expired after this year, and we would not be renewing them. This was it and all of me wanted to jump up and click my heels like some damn leprechaun.

Football fell to the back of my mind when we should be razor-focused with the season opening in two days. Tonight would be our last night in Seattle for a couple of weeks, and I didn’t have a clue as to how we would convince Elle to travel with us. All I could think about was her supple skin, her tight beautiful body and how her pretty nipples turned a pretty berry red for me.

Dim lights cast a halo of light around our girl where she stood at the bar, her back to us. She wore her Snow-White black hair pinned back in another off-the-shoulder style I couldn’t wait to let loose. Her voluptuous legs looked killer left bare by her short skirt and the tight leather bodice encasing her plump breasts… fuck.

Beside her sat her name tag, a glass of water, and a tube of lipstick.
