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“Guys, I have something to tell you.”

But neither seemed in a hurry to move so I waited until they pushed up, braced on their elbows.

My heart throbbed heavily.

Finally getting their attention, I sat up completely and slid my legs beneath me. I ran my fingers through my long hair, tangled from all the fun.

“So remember how we were talking about waiting to start a family?” I looked between them.

The grins beaming up at me had my heart in my throat.

“Sweetness, are you saying you’re pregnant?”

“With our child?” Cade sounded as shocked as I felt.

“Well, I don’t know who else's it would be, silly.”

“Sorry, sorry, not what I meant, I’m kind of tongue-tied here.”

“Holy shit.”

Both men couldn’t take their eyes or hands off me. The caressed, kissed and stroked every inch of me as if they treasured me even more.

“Yeah, so does this mean you’re happy?”

Jace had me in his arms, eyes wide. “It means we are fucking over the moon!”

Both rush me and I’m flat on my back on the bed again. Cade skated his hand down my side, raising a shiver and brand-new need in me. My nipple puckered.

“Mmm. Let us love you some more, needy woman. Make sure that preggo test is right.”

My laughter escaped with a huge eye roll like it came as a package deal. “Umm… pretty sure on that, but if you want to double down, I’m good with that too.”

Cade leaned in to suck my nipples between his hot lips. The minute he closed his mouth around the tip, I was lost. Stolen by my two men once again.

But I couldn’t help but think how a second chance at a past mistake turned out to be the best life I could ever have dreamed of.

I clutched Cade’s face to my breast and kissed Jace with all the force of emotion inside me. Guess my luck had changed on that dance floor two years ago and then again tonight. Now there was no looking back.

The end
