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When it came to women, we operated the same. But I honestly can’t remember the last time we indulged in a woman’s body.

I picked up the remote to the security cameras and flicked from the bar over to the dance floor when I spotted her. Black dress, killer legs, and the regal neck of a queen. Her back was stiff, and she scanned the crowd and her surroundings. She looked out of place among the wolves prowling around her. A woman like that in our club? Innocent and so damn sweet I could practically smell it all the way up here. She spelled trouble for us, and that was the last thing we needed. We have a strict policy of who walked through our doors. Someone like that always stirred up the clientele and not in a good way. We didn’t need the bad publicity that would come from someone that innocent falling prey to the animals that would pounce on her.

So caught up in my thoughts I failed to see she had turned, face toward the camera, her attention set on the dance floor.

I grabbed the control and zoomed in, my heart on the fucking floor. It couldn’t be.

“What the hell?” I quickly zoomed in more on the voluptuous brunette and froze. Recognition dawned. I knew that silhouette anywhere. My eyes hadn’t lied. Elle Morgan stood in the middle of our club, and my blood pressure shot through the glass domed ceiling. I cursed in a string of searing words.

I pointed at the far left monitor positioned toward the bar closest to the dance floor. “Jesus. H. Christ. Jace, come here. Do you see what I see?” I risk a glance away and signal Jace over.

Standing beside me, Jace did what I did. We both stared in disbelief. “No damn way.”

So absorbed in seeing Elle again, neither of us saw the man approach her on the dance floor until he practically stood on top of her. Some asshat had his hands on her and from the look of it, she didn’t appreciate the fact. From the way her brow pinched at whatever the guy spouted was not going over well. Her eyes were wide, and she looked a mix of pissed off and scared. Ire raged inside me almost instantly. Why hadn’t security put a stop to this already? Someone would be losing their job tonight.

Chapter Three


Ifelt hundreds of eyes on me as I followed a chatty group of girlfriends into the club. Maybe I didn't look like such a loser coming here alone if I stood close enough people thought I might be with them.

I glanced down and wondered if Maddy had under-dressed me or the opposite. From what I could tell, everyone had on short numbers like me, true, but I seemed to be the only one with their hair not let loose in some fashion. In comparison I felt like the stuck-up librarian in a sea of Jennifer Anistons.

Loud thumping music vibrated everything from the walls to the floor on up through my body. Strobe lights swung across the entire club. It was a scene straight out of the movies. Gorgeous high-profile people really did attract their own kind and this spot was the epicenter. Every direction I looked held someone influential.

Good thing I knew how to tuck my head and blend in.

I was hesitant, ready to backtrack and head home, but a wave of people pushed me deeper into the club, leaving me with no way out but forward.

I spent last night combing the internet for pictures of the inside so I knew what to expect. None of what I found resembled my current surroundings. It must have been upgraded in the past few weeks. The dance floor looked twice the size and instead of hardwood flooring, purple carpet—or maybe black—covered every inch outside of the dance floor, with leather couches for the large public sitting areas. Nothing like the club I waitressed at on weekends. I would wager the tips here could put me back in college within six months instead of the two years I currently looked at.

I made my way past a few couples who looked a few drinks into the night. The only thing they seemed to lack to make their night complete was a bed. Peeling my eyes away from the half-dressed couple, I spied an empty section of the bar and tucked my head as I passed a few enclosed areas. I hid a smile when one woman, or maybe two, I couldn’t tell, let out nipple-hardening moans. The curtains blocking them from sight might keep people from seeing, but by no means were they soundproof.

Before I could fully situate myself, the bartender spied me. “Hey, beautiful, what can I get you?”

“Anything strong will work, I guess.”

“I know just the drink.” The bartender set to work on something that had juicy slivers of lime instead of the cherries I’d hoped for. But it looked delicious all the same, so I gladly accepted. “You like to dance?” he asked as he placed my drink down.

I almost snorted, but I saw hope glitter in his eyes. “I think I need some liquid courage before I can do that,” I said, raising my glass.

The bartender smiled with amusement. “Nonsense. If you wait twenty minutes when I have a break, I’d be honored to take you out on the dance floor. Have all the men jealous of me.” He winked and really, what better plans did I have at the moment?

“Sure.” I didn’t know what else to say, so I just nodded, content to sit here and sip my pretty margarita.

I fidgeted with my dress, tugging at the end one way and then tugging on the upper half when it rode too low. Trying to make the drink last, I sipped on the cocktail and took in all the pretty people. I felt so out of place I almost laughed at myself. Glass to my lips, I turned on the stool, and that is when I spotted him and he spotted me. Three tables away directly under a light sat Asshat Michael. Suddenly I didn't want to laugh anymore. My heart stopped for a full five seconds. Just like him to want to be the center of attention. Fury edged his eyes and blasted me from several feet away. He stood like he wanted to…what? Approach me? Before that could happen, my impromptu date was by my side, hand extended and a sexy grin on his face.

“Ready for that dance?”

Thank God!

My jittery nerves showed, but I had nowhere to go and besides, what the worst that could happen? I dance a little and have a good time? Forget all about the ex I wish never was? Smiling, I made up my mind. The best revenge was to show Michael how little I cared now. And to do that, I would go out there and flirt like I’d never flirted before. He could shove his judgmental glares up his ass.

I dragged in a deep lungful of recycled air-conditioned air. “Bring it on!” I smiled up at the bartender and took his hand.

We weaved through the crowd, and the beat of the techno music started to call to me the second my feet hit the floor.

For tonight shy and low key Elle wanted to be the fun-loving wild Elle.
