Page 29 of Justice for Three

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Jacob injects a cherry tone that doesn’t match the serious expression on his face. It’s hard to read him with the silly white and red apron.

He seems to read my mind and strips away that problem, leaving me with another as soon as the apron is off—a very naked,veryaroused man only feet from me.

Make that three. Jacob and Seth join him, all three looking like the best worst nightmare I can possibly have. The wicked grins on their faces say they know it.

And I find Seth ditched those sweatpants after all.

The former SEAL has a few more scars than I remember. Lucian too, and if I’m not mistaken the one on his shoulder is a bullet hole.

Three sets of dark eyes pierce the shield I’ve erected around me, and I feel the first chink start to give. All three men tower over me and if I’m not careful, I’ll tumble back into the girl I used to be around them. Infatuated, completely, hopelessly in love with them despite my better judgment.

That’s one side of my brain. The logical part. The horny side wanting to jump their bones is ready with a tube of lube and some cock rings. But by the looks of it, none of them need enhancements.

Their aroused shafts bounce against their abdomens, full and heavy. I swallow thickly. Okay, new area of focus. I drag my eyes as far north from those veined happy sticks as I can get. All are clean-shaven this morning and wear looks of pure heat. None of them blanket their expressions either, blasting a warning siren off in my head. They were up to something.

True or not, my heart races, making my body tingle.

Lucian prowls closer, and with every step his heavy cock bounces enticingly. My thighs clench. My breathing hitches. My resolve buoyed and I’m once again reminded I can take them up on their offer and surrender. But this damn Thorne blood in my veins has me fighting the easy way out of this.

Lucian tips my chin up until our gazes lock. I downplay how flustered I am with an exasperated sigh.

“This isn’t going to work.” What this is, I haven’t figured out yet, but they don’t know that.

Seth props an elbow on the kitchen island, simply watching me, seemingly relaxed.

But I spy the tic in his jaw. He’s anything but relaxed. There had to be a way to get them to see this is a bad idea. Rekindling something none of us can pursue would only leave them hurt and me dead from wanting. My mother won’t stand for it and she’s too damn stubborn to kick the bucket any time soon.

Please God don’t strike me dead for thinking that.

Lucian glides his palm over mine, scissoring our fingers together. I peer between Jacob and Seth both standing back, watching. “We’ve prepared a delicious meal for you, sweet thing. You’re going to love every bite we feed you. It’s all your favorites. Beef roast, mashed potatoes, and sparkly champagne. Strawberries for dessert dipped in cream.”

Wearing a wicked grin, he shoots a pointed look at the small strip of hair carefully waxed above my folds. My cheeks burn when the meaning hits. It makes sense though. They’re wanting to break me down and get me all hot and bothered. Food doesn’t do that for me. They are so off base.

“Only, there’s a catch.”

Seth is wearing that dark look again paired with a half-grin. He steps over to a table and pulls out a plush chair with a fine white covering and no arm rests. Lucian guides me over, and I take a seat in front of a large table big enough to seat ten people. Several dishes are scattered along the surface but there are no place settings.

“What do you mean by catch?” I ask, eyeing the platters of food. My stomach rebels with rumblings so loud there’s no way they don’t hear. It all smells so good.

Lucian and Jacob pull my chair out where they can surround me. I longingly look back at the food, but I don’t get long. Seth takes my chin in hand and pulls my attention back on them.

“We have questions.”

“We want answers.”

“And you’re going to give them to us.”

All three shoot rapid-fire and have me throwing up my hands.

“What? What happened to sitting down to a meal, talking things out?” I look between all three, my head tilted up as they loom over me like massive giants.

“Normally that would work.” Seth’s golden eyes laser into me, an air of dominance and strength around him. “But not for our stubborn siren who likes to make things difficult.”

I wrap my arms around my middle. I narrowed my eyes on Seth. “Kettle and pot.”

“Regardless.” His voice dips low, and Lucian and Jacob stand on either side of me, the look of stoic resolve on their faces. They back up everything their brother-in-arms is saying.

All three place their hands on me, and I’m hitting overload. It’s not where they are touching as much as it ishowthey are touching me. Tight, possessively and the feel of those rough palms on my skin forces me to stifle a whimper in the back of my throat.
