Page 19 of Wynter's Coming

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I reached down to stroke his balls. His stamina was impressive but this girl wanted her orgasm now. “I’ll do anything you want, please let me come.”

Mateo kissed my lips, his tongue seeking mine as he pulled me against him. “Since you asked so nicely.” He jerked his hips up against mine and in seconds we found our rhythm.

His dark eyes dilated as his cum shot deep inside me. My orgasm hit me so hard my body felt the power of an exploding star starting in my core and working outward. Every muscle in my body pulsated with sensation. Any minute I would collapse into a puddle of pleasure.

By the time we finished, the bathwater was cool. I loved having Mateo buried deep inside me like that though.

I started to climb off him, but Mateo stilled me. “I want to feel you for a minute more. Your pussy is so tight and your delicate body so perfect in my arms.”

“Is it always like this?” I asked.

“No,” he said shortly, clearly annoyed by my question. “It’s not.”

I thought he might say more. I couldn’t help but wonder how I compared to the other women he’s bedded.

Eventually we disentangled ourselves from the bathtub and I couldn’t hold back a tiny wince of soreness. Mateo shot me a questioning look.

“Maybe I’m a little sore,” I said sheepishly as I wrapped a towel around my wet head.

He pressed me the button down top of a black silk pajama set and kissed me lightly. He slipped into the bottoms without any briefs. My stomach tingled in anticipation. I loved the feeling of silk over my bare skin.

“Lie down in the bed. I’ll be along in a moment,” Mateo said, leaving the bathroom.

Mateo’s bed was ridiculously comfortable. I snuggled down waiting for him, listening to the icy snow tap the windows.

I didn’t remember falling asleep but I woke up to Mateo going down on me in the dark.

“It feels amazing but you must be tired. Come lie down.” I tugged at his head between my legs.

“I’m an excellent multi-tasker,” Mateo said. “I’m able to lie down and take care of that pussy of yours.” He stroked my mound lightly with his fingers. “I love how perfect it is. I love to taste it and most of all I love to stuff my cock inside you.”

The dark made me bold. “HowdoI rate compared to your other women?”

Mateo continued nuzzling my pussy before he paused. “I’m going to answer this one question then I’m going to suck your perfect little clit until you come. There’s no comparison to you, Angel. Ever.”

My Scrooge was a man of his word. I had no more thoughts of being sore or other women. It was only the pleasure of our two bodies fitting together in all the ways that mattered.

The fact that we were in his apartment and not in a hotel room a few floors down puzzled me, but I was glad to avoid the risk of discovery being on a regular floor. Up in his penthouse, it was like another world. I loved watching the snow fall over our perfect little town. This holiday season was turning out to be my favorite one yet.

“Feeling better, my Angel?” Mateo asked as my body trembled with the aftershocks of my latest orgasm.

I curled into his side, laying my head on his chest. To no one’s surprise, his cock was tenting his pajama bottoms. The sight of his cock peeking out the slit in front made my mouth water for him.

Before I could do anything about it, Mateo tucked me on my side facing away from him.

Behind me, Mateo shucked off his pajama bottoms.

“I don’t see what’s so great about spooning,” I grumbled. Facing away from Mateo, I couldn’t even lay with my head on his chest. He showed me exactly why spooning was so great when his cock found my wet and waiting pussy and glided slowly inside. I moaned and nestled my ass against him.

“Better?” Mateo asked, kissing my neck.

“So much better.” I wiggled against him happily. “Spooning might be my favorite.”

Mateo’s chuckle sent shivers down my ear. “We’ll have to do some comparisons.”

I’d happily give myself over for that experiment. And as he started moving inside me, I didn’t allow myself to think about the approaching holiday and with it his end date for our Christmas fling.

Chapter Nine
