Page 16 of Savage Justice

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“Yes. You. Will. But keep telling yourself lies.” The feel of his fingers is back on my body. “But your body tells me another story. I feel those hard nipples pressing into my shoulder,malyshka.”

I press my hand on his shoulder and try forcing my way off, but his grip is stronger than steel clamps. “Put me down!” I manage but the fight in me wanes. Tired and aching, the feeling of defeat wants to take hold. All that rage bubbles and blisters but that’s all.

In a deadpan tone, his accent deep and thick, he grumbles, “You know what,malyshka? I wasn’t going to lock you up. But you’ve left me no choice. I don’t have time to play with you.”

Dread locks my fingers into tight fists against his back. A handful of nearly naked gawkers gather around us and my heart crumples into a shriveled mass inside me. What kind of new hell hole is this?

Some wear smirks while others hold me with contempt in their eyes. Well to hell with them. Like I asked to be here inconveniencing them with my little show of rebellion or something? When they should be helping me fight against this brutish bull.

A woman in a mohawk looks on with a stupid grin on her face and winks at me when she should be helping. So much for women sticking together. My heart races, and I pound on his back. He only tightens his hold around my middle.

“I think you can use some alone time.”

Normally alone suits me but I don’t like the sound of finality in his tone. Like how alone? And did it involve a shovel and a hole? Maybe some lye?

Spellbound by fear I can’t do anything but work my mouth at first. “No, please. Don’t. No,” I croak. God help me. Not another basement.

In half the strides it took me to flash down the stairs he’s standing on the third level and throws the door open to the same room I just escaped.

“Oh, hell no!”

“Oh, yes.”

I rear a knee back and nail him as hard as I can. He stumbles forward and we topple onto the bed. I quickly realize I’m right back where I started, only instead of having the freedom to move around I’m now pinned to the bed with his massive body overtop mine and my dress a mound of fluffy white between us.

Through yards of hair in my eyes, I spot something metal and glittering in the overhead lights.

My heart explodes into chaos. I buck and throw him left and right but it’s no use. Before I have a chance to scramble off and take another run at escaping I hear the grate of metal grinding and the all-too-familiar sound of cuffs locking. I yank on my wrists but it’s no use.

We’re face to face. His body warmth settles over mine. His full lips peel back in an arrogant smile and I swing with my only free hand. It’s no surprise he catches it before my palm can land with his scruffy face. He pins it over my head and leans in. I hate there’s a chance he might be right. But I hate more with how the evidence of my body’s betrayal stands out between us.

He reaches out and flicks the tip of a hard nipple and chuckles darkly when I shudder.

“Bastard,” I seethe through a clenched jaw.

“Da,”he says flatly and my little knowledge of Russian extends to that one word. Yes. At least he knows what he is.

“But none of that, now,malyshka,” he continues unaware of my inner war of finding his sharp, cool steel eyes as piercing as his arrogance to the fight inside me. I can’t believe I’m even admitting this, but if it weren’t for the fact he bought me tonight I’d say the sick monster crouching over me right now is freaking gorgeous. He moves between my legs and I feel it. The full length of his shaft is obviously aroused. He surveys me and twists his mouth into a semblance of what I think might beintrigue? Fascination?Or he might be calculating the size of a barrel he’ll need to stuff me and my dress in once he’s through with me.

My gaze zeroes in on his and I buck against him.

Wrong move.Deadwrong move.

Glints of wickedness flash at me and his smile grows. All smugness shifts to desire.

“Don’t promise something you don’t plan on keeping,malyshka,” he drawls out in that sexy accent of his. Shivers flutter up my spine and chill my skin. I can’t stand to look at him another second so I turn my head.

“I’d rather die than let you use any part of me. I want none of this. Of you.”

A finger under my chin brings my eyes back to his smug face. Bastard knows he owns me. And I hate him for it.

“Be careful what you wish for. When you get it, there’s no going back.”

His wild eyes never leave mine. We stay locked like that and I don’t blink until strong fingers wrap around my wrist. No matter how hard I yank, pull, kick and scream the inevitable happens.

“Fuck you!” I snarl. His lack of concern fuels my rage further. Heat builds when his hips connect with mine, where his hands pin me, where his gaze keeps me fixed in place.

He lowers his face and his warm lips brush over mine. “Maybe next time,” he teases and then there’s one final click of metal. My heart pounds so hard I strain to hear his words through the thundering booms in my ears.

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