Page 36 of Savage Justice

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“Getting there. I like you wearing my things.”

“Come.” He turns. My fingers go involuntarily to the design on the back of his vest.

“What does this mean?”

“More than we can cover on the way to the party.”

I follow him but can’t help giving the bed one last glance on our way out the door.

Ares draws up and I nearly run into him. “What’s wrong?”

“Let me make this perfectly clear. I can lock you up or you can join me downstairs for a drink and some food. Those are your two choices.”

Another threat to lay at my feet.

We pass a couple making out on the stairs and I spot Avery standing off to the side of a crowd getting rowdy. None of the people look like they have any interest in helping me find my sister. My anger renews. I didn’t pay much attention to the finer details the last time I stood at the base of the stairs, but this time around I take it all in.

The massive front door is only a handful of feet away. And this time no one is guarding it.

I also see there’s a rack of FOBs for the cars outside. A detail I missed. Nice to know.

To my right is a massive open room and Ares leads us in that direction. Avery waves to me, that hopeful smile splashing across her face.

Everything is laid out to accommodate a huge gathering of people. Large couches are pushed up against the back wall. A pool table sits in front of a roaring fireplace and every available surface either holds a bottle or a body getting fucked.

Someone cranks up the music and an electric guitar competes with a thumping bass to fill the house with so much noise I can no longer hear the girl with the green mohawk screaming her release from the far corner. To the right of me, a man with a nose piercing that matches the one on the tip of his dick. His fly is open and his cock poised at the mouth of a redhead while a brunette holds her ample breasts out for him to feast on.

The erotic scenes flash heat through my body. Heat Ares stirred inside me less than an hour ago. I try to keep the surprise off my face, but it’s hard. It’s not like I’m some sheltered little fucking flower, but damn. Some hard-core porn seems sweeter than this. There’s no love involved. Just bodily needs, I guess.

“Later,” Ares promises darkly in my ear as if he can read my thoughts.

I mentally roll my eyes. Not likely, I tell myself. No way in hell I’d let these people witness me at my weakest.

Ares presses against my back and I feel the contrary to my thoughts hard against my ass. But I know his game. He’s letting me know I won’t get far without him right there to stop me and proving he has something I want. Pure arrogance. As if to drive home the silent message, my captor winds a possessive arm around my middle and drags me closer still.

A girl in cutoffs and bare tits bouncing seductively walks by, dragging Devil wearing a wicked smile in her wake.

“Hey, baby. Glad you could join us.” Devil, decked out in tattered jeans, a light sweater, and his vest, looking every bit his namesake. He comes in fast and plants a kiss on my cheek, earning a growl from Ares. He elbows a grinning Devil away but the exchange goes off with Devil throwing his boss a rueful smile.

Ares leans into me, an arm laid across my shoulders. “Don’t pay attention to him. He fucks anything with a wet hole.”

Jesus Christ. This man. I straighten my shoulders, slip some steel into my backbone while I’m at it. “Ass. You realize that’s an insult, right?” I burn him with a pointed look of disgust.

The scowl I’m learning rarely leaves his face is firmly set. And it’s on mine the second he pins me against the nearest wall. All his party-goers pass paying us no mind. He pushes in on me and presses his lips against the shell of my ear. “He tries anything with you and my brother will be dickless before a night can pass. No one touches what’s mine.”

Mine.There’s that word again.

Now that I’m fully dressed I feel stronger about what I’m saying. “I’m not a piece of meat, Ares. My life, my death, my way.” But my words fall on deaf ears. A man with long black hair pulled back in a half-hazard bun with a helmet under his arm strolls through the door.

My heart turns to stone.

I recognize those high cheekbones and that black leather jacket. But I can’t be sure. The rooms were dark and the two beasts occupied my attention. I could be wrong.

Behind me, I feel Ares physically stiffen as well. Ares cuffs my wrist with his hand and wordlessly drags me to the edge of the room where Avery huddles by the door alone.

“Watch her,” he says to the girl and turns to me with, “behave and we will talk after the party. I have business to tend to.”

“Who is he? I might have seen him there. Or at least I think I did that night. At the auction. Why is he here?” I hate the quiver in my voice. Is he here to take me back? Check-in on me? If he’s here he knows where my sister is. Right?

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