Page 57 of Savage Justice

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“You want to help your sister, but I need to know you’re ready to do this my way. No questions, Nova. No more running off. You got your revenge. I need to hear you say it. That you will obey me.” His words brush over me softly but leave me, scraping along my nerves like sandpaper.

I throw his hands off my face and put distance between us. “Just because you can give me a few orgasms faster than light travels doesn’t mean I am your pawn. Big deal, no different from any other man out there. None of it means I have to be happy about it or fall at your feet like an obedient dog.”

He stalks forward until I’m bowing over his bike, his nose touching mine. “No other man has made you feel the way I do. Don’t lie.” Furious forged steel holds me in place. “You’ll learn my word is law. The easy way or the hard way. Your choice.”

My chin nearly hits my chest. “Or what, Russian? You’ll cuff me again? Leave me a spasming mess on your bed every time I do something you don’t agree with to control me? Is that what happened tonight. I don’t live my life to make others happy so you can keep your ‘my way or no way’. Hard freaking pass, Russian. I don’t do good with ultimatums. Tonight wasn’t revenge for me.”

“Then what was it?”

“About getting information. Finding Polaris. What they plan on doing to her. Taking her? Something. All you seem to do is party and ride.” I gesture to the bike.

“I have my in. I’m working on it. And I wasn’t issuing an ultimatum. This happens my way. There are no other options.” His lips press into a fine line of finality and oh, no. I’m not about to leave it there.

“And for the record,” I jab his slab of stone for a chest with a finger. “Nothing but a black hole of regret lives in my stomach, Ares whatever your last name is. I can’t believe I’ve fucked you twice now and don’t even know your last name. Let you take me bareback. What was I thinking? And to top it all off you probably know everything there is to know about me.”

It’s not like a blaring siren but my admission stuns him a little. The twitch of his eyebrow quirks up and that infamous smirk of his dims. “You’re not on the pill?”

“Since I’ve had zero control over my life, that’s right.”

“We’ll fix that. I’ll make sure you have what you need.”

“You could just let me leave, forget about me.”

In the middle of the freaking driveway his eyes narrow on me. “Never,” he husks. He straightens to his full height. The movement puts enough space between us that I can finally breathe a little more freely. When he looms over me like before it’s like my brain shuts off.

“And what if I’m pregnant? Will you just toss me away then? Maybe I should wish for it just so I can be rid of you.”

“You think you’ll have a little monster? Is that what you regret? You fear?”

“I’ve only seen the monster in you. What else do I know?” My cheeks flame with anger and embarrassment. I’ve given him more of myself than I have any other man. And I did it willingly. What does that say about me?

“You want a name and some backstory? Is that all it will take for you to finally trust me?” His accent grows deeper. Moonlight illuminates his beautiful eyes and reflects in the silvery pools…hurt?

“No but it’s a good start.”

It quickly passes and his face is back in front of mine and his voice drops a few degrees to downright chilly. “Be careful what you ask for, Nova Masters; you might get it. Iama monster. I bring death because I come from death. You better remember that. I am not a man who can give you family and some pretty life your neighbors will envy. But you’re mine now and you’ll have to live with that.”

“But you give all these people that and more. Maybe not something pretty and perfect, but you give them a place to belong.” I didn’t mean to say that. But now that it is out there the energy between us shifts from thundering anger to something more intimate. And dangerous. Or at least it is for me. I’m standing on the cusp of something changing between us and if I am not careful I might fall into this Russian’s web never to leave.

“And yet when you look at me all you see is—”

“This isn’t about you. My life, my death. My way, Russian. You nor any other man will ever take that from me.” I cut him off before he can put words into my mouth. “You stole something from me tonight. I wanted Jacob to pay for what he did and you took that from me.” I feel the warm wetness of a tear slip down my face. I scrub it away with the back of my hand, angry my emotions are all over the place.

“I saved you from committing a bigger mistake than leaving me in the middle of the night,malyshka.” His voice is tight. Controlled. But when he utters that one word it’s the bomb inside me going off and leaves the anger in me partially deflated.

“Stop calling me that. I’m not yours. And I’m not some perfect doll to put on a pedestal. I thought he was my friend. And then I wanted to put a bullet in Jacob’s head myself. I’m the monster, Ares. Me. What’s wrong with me?” I can’t stop the tears from falling down my face.

“You took that away from me.”

His arms come around me and I’m swallowed by his larger body. “I saved you from the nightmares,malyshka.You don’t have to believe me now, but one day you will. You never want to be the one behind the trigger.”

“You do.” I force myself to hold his powerful gaze. “You pull that trigger. Why can’t I?”

“For the same reason you are crying in my arms. You are too sweet a soul to tarnish it for a man who doesn’t deserve your angelic heart. We are very different.Ty svet tam, gde ya t’ma.”


He pulls back and peers down at me and for a moment, it feels as though our souls connect on some primal level.
