Page 41 of Savage Thief

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A muscle ticks in his strong jaw. His hooded eyes flick over my face. “Not unless I have a damn good reason do I stay in bed longer than I have to.”

I eye the sling and jerk my chin in its direction. “You mean getting shot isn’t good enough?” Never in my life have I met a more stubborn man.

He shakes his head, an arrogant smile across his lips. His footfalls are heavy on the floor. Deafening. I’m trapped.

“Where did you think you would go that I wouldn’t find you? The Savages own this town,” he grates in that rough timbre. Latent power courses through him. It’s there. Just below the surface. His gaze silently begs me to try and escape. If I do, I’m not stupid. The dominant alpha would surge forward and I’d be caught. Not an entirely unpleasant thought, but that’s my past self-speaking. Not the woman I am today.

“And do you own this city’s cops?” I hold my breath when my back hits the wall.

He cants his head making me want to free his hair to see how it falls over his shoulders.

Our thoughts must be linked because a hand comes up to play with the hair spilling over mine. With a gentle movement, he reveals the scar. “Some of them. And some of them are owned by your father.” Leaning in, he runs the tip of his nose over the scar, inhaling deeply.

I flush, averting my gaze from his.

A finger beneath my chin turns me back. With every breath, my nipples stroke over the hard slabs of his chest. A low growl rumbles through him and reaches inside me. But what really sets me on edge is the gentle kiss on my temple.

And the way he tightens each of his fingers around my throat. I fight the shiver threatening to undo my control to run wild through me.

I feel every last finger press into my heated skin. My mind flashes back to the night he claimed my body, that same hand collaring me. It was freeing then. The darkness in me matched his. Back then I had dreams. All of which have been long dead.

Now it’s just about survival.

He plants a hand by my head and leans in. Every breath I take is filled with his very essence.

But tonight, I don’t feel free. I feel caged. It doesn’t matter which monster in my life has caught me; the result is the same. I’m still not free.

Hark’s lips press against my ear. The scruff of his day-old beard scratches along the side of my face. This time there’s no holding back from the shiver.

“You have two choices, Asena. Stay here and find out which side those detectives are on.”

“Or?” I already know what he’s going to say. Or at least I think I do. “I’m not into doing things against the law. I am not my father’s child. I don’t want the same things he did.”

He’s already shaking his head before I’ve finished. “You’re wrong. I know you are. You are every bit a Titan. You just haven’t found your limit yet. Once you do, you will be surprised by all the pretenses you will blow through to get what you want. Whatever that might be.”

“To be free.”

His eyes glitter with lethal knowledge.

“Make no mistake, Princess, you’re not getting out from under your crown by keeping your nose clean and doing things by the book. There’s no way you are walking out of here, going back to your house, and demanding the Druid release you from marriage so you can go on your merry way. He’ll put a bullet in you before your mouth opens. No. You want free, you will have to do this my way. That’s your second option.” He pauses. “I see the revenge in your eyes. You want blood. How do you plan on getting it without giving it in return? Asking nicely? It never works.”

“Don’t lecture me on revenge,” I say with a humorless smile. “I saw it in your eyes back at Doc’s so don’t try to judge me on something you want just as badly.”

“I’m not.”

“I want what is mine.” I swallow. The movement tightens his hold on my neck. Feeling every bit the defiant princess he remembers, I say, “I’m done running. And once I take what is mine, I’ll burn the whole thing to the fucking ground. So don’t think you and your motley crew of biker thugs will swoop in and grab up what doesn’t belong to you.”

He gives a low, chilling laugh. “That’s my girl,” he rasps. “And what are you willing to pay to get what you want?”

“What’s the cost?” I ask tentatively. The pad of his thumb caresses close circles over the pulse point beneath my ear. It’s doing odd things to my concentration. And he knows it.

“I’m glad you asked.” His lips move just shy of brushing over mine. It wouldn’t take much to steal the kiss I wish he’d give me.

“You want my gun and my brothers to help bring your enemy down? My price is you, Titan. I want you. Nothing more. Most certainly nothing less. Keep your kingdom and your crown. I’ll take your life. That is what holds value to me.”

Another stroke and I nearly give a titillated sigh and I know he’ll use it against me from here on out.

His words ring in my ears. “Steep price tag.”
