Page 58 of Savage Thief

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Reaper is quiet for several beats. “And that’s why you became a cop.”

A statement, not a question. He served in the military so he understands the call to do good.

“I put on the shield and thought it would protect me from becoming like my old man and I could clean away the shit he had me do before I could get away. By now I think I might have put just as many bodies in the ground as he has so I’m no better than that rotting corpse.”

“And this is why the Druid is still sucking air?”

I lean forward and place my elbows on my knees. “Infiltrating the Titan family was easy. I reverted to my father’s name and picked up like I only went away to become more of a ruthless killer than my old man. Titan Sr. bought it hook, line and sinker.”

“And then you fell in love with the enemy’s daughter.”

“Best worst decision of my life. After the Druid put a bullet in my chest I figured if I survived it was some higher power telling me to get out while I could. I was content leaving the Druid alive because it was one more soulnoton my docket for the Big Man to hold against me when it comes time to send me to heaven or hell. Figured someone else would take care of the problem sooner or later.”

“Seems it didn’t work out that way.”

“Tell me about it.” I roll my aching shoulder. “So now I’m left asking you for help.”

“Take it from me. You need to fix this shit with Ares and your brothers. Don’t become me. Nomad life is lonely as hell and you don’t want problems between club brothers. I’ve seen people get killed over it and that would rip the Savages apart from the inside out.”

The haunting truth of his words passes over his stony expression. Blink and you’d miss it, but my cop training is still going strong and I pick up the slightest nuances. The flinch at the corner of his mouth. The crinkles along the edges of his eyes deepen. But what shows the truth behind his words is how his gaze moves to the drink in his other hand. Years of getting lost in the past in the shimmering amber is something I’m familiar with.

I turn slightly when something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention on the monitors.

A black trench coat, the sides pulled up old school gangster-style, jet black hair, and an all-too-familiar arrogant walk. Like the world is supposed to part like the Red Sea when he walks by. The amount of casual confidence rolling off him oozes into the crowd earning him looks from men and women alike. And the woman linking arms with him is no different. Sleek, elegant, and poised. You could probably cut diamonds from her indifference alone.

And she is most definitely not Nova’s sister, Polaris, who is usually always seen with the Genesis men.

“Let’s walk the floor.”

Reaper and I exit my office and walk out to the same spot I took the Druid’s bullet in the shoulder. Any remnants of the incident are thoroughly erased. Before my mind can take a stroll down that particular memory, I grip reality and forget about the blood, the smell of gunpowder, and the sight of mynumero unoenemy in my house.


“Gentlemen.” Dark eyes take in my cut and then Reapers. He’s got a deep baritone that makes it easier to hear him over the loud music. Women wearing a few strings of clothing and smelling of lavender and other flowers walk by eyeing us all.

Beside me, it doesn’t pass my attention that the Sinner playboy doesn’t give the half-dressed college girls a single glance, much less a second. Interesting. There’s a reason the Reaper is known as a nomad. He likes to roam and be free. Tied down isn’t his thing. Something—or someone has his dick in knots.

I stick a hand out and Harlon takes it before moving on to Reaper.

Rinse, repeat.

The man’s notorious father went away for life after his love interest turned out to be an undercover cop working an angle.

I know the life. But my history stays with the Savages and Reaper. The important parts of it anyway. Otherwise, it might be a little hard to convince people to trust me with the sordid details of their crimes if they knew my blood ran blue at one point in my life.

“Why the hell is one-third of the Genesis men standing in my club? You need to find Ares. He’s back at the compound.”

Harlon is already shaking his head. “It’s you I’m here to see.” The clean shave and five-thousand-dollar suit don’t match the calluses on his hands. He worked for his position at the top. I respect that.

“And your friend here? What the fuck is she about? I’m not hiring any help.”

New people make me nervous. Stark blue eyes pin me to the floor and I let an arrogant smile slip over my lips. Pushing people’s buttons comes as second nature for me. Dude or chick, everyone gets the same treatment in my book.

Slender shoulders pin back and I think I actually see the second a steel rod replaces her spine.

The cold slap of her gaze burns across my face before she parts those finely painted ruby lips. “You couldn’t afford me and the services I provide are more along the lines of ashes to ashes anyway. Something I have no doubt you will need, sooner rather than later with the mouth you have.”

I have no issues playing dirty and riling people up. I let my grin broaden. I’ve been told it makes a woman weak in the knees, but this one isn’t buckling. I like that. “I love a woman who can tell a man to fuck off sweetly.”
