Page 89 of Savage Thief

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“Let’s end this. Now, Druid. You’ve said your last prayer over your victims. Now it’s my turn to give you yours. Dear God. Curse this soul for all the evil he has brought to this world. For the souls he snatched from this plane for the chaos and for the pain. Throw him to the bottoms of Hell. So help me God, use me as your weapon and I’ll take him there myself.”

“Amen,” Asena confirms with a shaky voice. I take one step closer and another. Just hours before I was taking her right here. Forcing cries of pleasure from her mouth and now the whimpers of fear falling from her lips rip my soul from my body.

“It’s okay, baby. This will all be over soon. Doc is dead and Heaven is safe.” I visually see her body release tension.

Her delicate fingers are wrapped around the mad man’s forearm where he’s nearly choking the life out of her.

“You have nowhere to go, Druid. How about you let her go and we do this dance one final time. See whose side God is on?”

Behind the Druid I see my brothers moving in. Rage pops off a round to grab his attention. A dangerous move but it’s the only one we have. With the wall at his back and Asena as the only thing saving him, I understand the need for drastic measures. Otherwise, this could go on all night long.

That fraction of a second is all I need. I squeeze off a round, skimming his ear causing him to release Asena. She falls to the floor. Rage and Riot move in as a shield between her and her soon-to-be ex-husband.

Shuffling of feet from behind me catches my attention, but I don’t take my eyes off the blown-up pupils of my enemy.

“Announce yourself.”

Casanova comes in behind me.

“Just me. I got you. Do what you need to do, brother.” His gun is leveled on the Druid pinning him in place.

Ares comes to my other side. “She doesn’t need to see this side of me. Get her out of here.” I don’t need to see his face to know he understands what I am saying.

“No one shoots. Acknowledge you hear me.” I drop my guns.

“Aye,” my brothers sound off one at a time.

I look Druid dead in the eye. I’ve lived this moment over and over a hundred plus times in my dreams, in my waking moments, and now that it is here the sudden calmness that overpowers me is serene. Like it’s what I am meant to do.

“This will be a fair fight. But make no mistake you are not walking out of here. The only way you make it out of this building is when an undertaker collects your remains to dump them in the trash where they belong.

A rush of Gaelic hits my ears as we come to meet in the middle. He has refused to drop his gun, so when I knock it out of his hand and it clatters to the floor, reality sets in. The shock on his face says it all.

“I said, you’ve said your last fucking prayer.”

Evil gleams in those light eyes and I know the humanity he might have been born with is no longer in residence.

Dark sensations push out the light of serenity and I welcome the all too familiar feel of Death’s touch. Anger draws to a full boil and I lash out burying my fists into the Druid’s face.

The Druid snarls like a beast and drives forward catching me along the angular bone of my brow.

I grin and deliver a set of strikes to the jaw and ribs in retaliation.

Blood drips from a gash over my eye, blurring my vision. I swipe at it but my distraction costs me.

I take a blow to the jaw. The force knocks me back and I slam into the wall. Dodging left, my enemy buries his fist into an unforgiving wall of cement. He howls in pain and I give him five more reasons to wish the pain would stop.

One blow to the nose, another to the kidneys, and three to the ribs.

One. After. Another. Until he’s on his knees wheezing and coughing.

“Get the fuck up. Come on. I thought you wanted me dead.”

The Druid fists a handful of dirt from a potted flower and throws it in my direction.

Dirt buries itself in my eyes. I can’t open my lids and I sure the hell can’t clean them.

I fall into the pool as my only hope is to rid the filth from my sight.
