Page 61 of First Comes Blood

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Seeing the fear on his face, my heart lurches. I’ve made a huge mistake. I should never have asked Salvatore’s enemies for help. My three assailants pause just long enough to give my groom, Dad, and everyone inside the church a clear view of what they’re doing, and then they start to run outside, taking me with them.

“Salvatore!” I scream as Lorenzo lets go of the heavy door and it starts to close. My fiancé is running as fast as he can toward me, an expression of horror and fury on his face. He’s not going to make it in time. I know it before I even finish screaming his name.

Lorenzo’s black Mercedes 4WD is waiting by the curb, all the doors open, and Cassius bundles me into the back seat. I stare desperately out the window with my hands pressed against the glass as Salvatore bursts out of the doors. He’s so far away, but he runs as fast as he can, arms pumping.

Lorenzo throws the car keys to Vinicius and gets in on my other side. “You drive. I need to check her over.”

All the doors slam, Vinicius steps on the gas and we roar away from the church. My throat burns with despair as we accelerate away and Salvatore becomes smaller and smaller until he finally gives up.

Cassius is holding me tight against him and I wrench myself from side to side. “Let go of me. Don’t touch me!”

Lorenzo grasps my wrist and wrenches me around to face him. “Where’s the GPS device?”

The microchip. The little piece of silicone in the back of my neck that I’ve hated for the past ten months is actually going to do me some good.

“No answer, princess? Then we’re doing this the hard way. Cassius, hold her arms.” Lorenzo pulls off my shoes and starts to feel his way up my calves while Cassius holds my wrists with a vice-like grip. I struggle with all my strength but it does me no good. My bridal bouquet slips from my fingers and falls to the floor of the car.

“Nothing here,” Lorenzo mutters. He reaches beneath my skirt and I try to kick him in the gut. He grabs my ankle and pins it against the seat with his hip.

“Get your hands off me!”

Lorenzo ignores me, takes hold of one of my stockings and rips it off my leg. “Want to keep fighting me, princess? I’m going for your panties next.”

“I’ll kill you,” I seethe. He knows it’s an empty threat as much as I do.

Lorenzo pulls out his knife. “This dress is coming off. Keep fighting me, and you’ll have me carving chunks off your body as well.”

My eyes latch onto that knife. It looks evil in his grip, the honed edge glinting with malice.

I shrink back against Cassius’ chest. “Please, don’t.”

“Then tell me where it is,” he growls, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.

There’s something preternatural in his cold blue gaze, like he can see right to my soul.

“It’s in the back of my neck,” I mutter. “How do you even know about that?”

“I’ve got eyes and ears all over this town.” Lorenzo puts the knife away, sits forward and reaches for me. Cassius’ chest is as hard as a plank of wood against my back as Lorenzo strokes my nape, a mocking smile on his lips. They come dangerously close to mine. “It would be a shame not to kiss the bride on her wedding day.”

“Fuck you,” I whisper.

“Not right now, I’m busy.” His fingers press and prod until he finds the tiny lump on the back of my neck. “I can feel it. Vinicius, take us to the compound. I can’t do this here.”

Vinicius turns the wheel. “On my way.”

Lorenzo stays where he is, face too close to mine. Crowded between the two men, I can feel both their hearts pounding. “I asked Cassius to help me, not all of you kidnap me on my wedding day.”

Lorenzo wraps his hands around my waist. Tight. Possessive. “We are helping. You’re welcome, princess.”

From the front seat, Vinicius laughs.

Cassius digs inside a pocket and pulls out my diamond engagement ring on the tip of his forefinger. He holds it up to the light. “We’ve never been proposed to before. So romantic,bambina. We accept.”

He takes my hand and forces the ring back onto my finger. I stare at it, my mouth going dry. “That’snotwhy I sent you the ring. Didn’t you read my letter? I wanted Cassius to get me out of the country. Just Cassius. This has nothing to do with the rest of you.”

Vinicius pulls off his ski mask as he drives. “When you ask for assistance from men like us, you don’t get to be picky about how you get it.”

I’m pressed even tighter between the two men as we veer onto the freeway and Lorenzo’s weight crushes me against Cassius. They keep me pinned between them the whole drive.
