Page 62 of First Comes Blood

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Ten minutes or so later, we pull up to a property with high concrete walls. A heavy black gate opens, revealing several men in black combat gear holding onto snarling German Shepherds. Vinicius turns the car into the property and I get a glimpse of a large and imposing house before we’re speeding into an underground garage.

Will Dad and Salvatore be able to find me down here? The signal probably won’t even work, and even if it does, Lorenzo is going to smash the tracker as soon as he cuts it out of my neck.

Vinicius parks in a bay and Cassius gets out, scoops me up in his arms and carries me. Lorenzo leads the way down a long concrete hallway and then through a door. I’m put down just inside, shoved forward, and the door is slammed behind me.

I stare around the room, my blood roaring in my ears. There are stainless steel tables, medical lamps and shelves of glass and plastic bottles. The floor slopes down toward drains. It’s a cross between a morgue and an operating room, and it’s giving me a huge case of the creeps. I’m alone in here with the most dangerous man I’ve ever met.

Lorenzo snaps black latex gloves on over his tattooed hands and points to one of the metal tables, which is roughly human-sized. “Sit.”

I back away, not daring to take my eyes off him. “Don’t you dare come near me, you psycho.”

Lorenzo gives me a sly smile. “Trust me. I’m a doctor.”

“You’re joking. Someone gave you a medical degree?”

He goes to a glass-fronted cabinet and places things on a metal tray. A vial of liquid. A hypodermic needle. Gauze. A kidney dish and, most terrifying of all, a scalpel. “Oh, I didn’t bother with the exams.”

“Then how do you know what you’re doing?” What the hellishe doing?

He places the tray down, sticks the hypodermic needle in the vial and draws back clear fluid. Then he advances on me, brandishing the needle. “I guess we’ll find out. Give me your arm.”

I back away around the room, my feet bare on the cold concrete and the satin dress dragging across the floor. “Not in a million years.”

“Listen, moron. I’ll happily cut you without an anesthetic, but Cassius asked me to play nice. So, give me your arm.”

“What is that? I’m allergic to about a thousand things.” I’m allergic to nothing, but he doesn’t know that.

Lorenzo’s gaze narrows, but he keeps coming. “It’s a local anesthetic. What medications are you allergic to?”

“Anesthetics. All of them.”

The longer I stall, the better chance Dad and Salvatore have of finding me, but what miserable choices these are. Stay kidnapped for god knows what purpose, or go home and marry my despicable fiancé.

Better the devil I know, I guess.

Lorenzo shakes his head. “I don’t have time for this. I’ve got epis if you go into shock. Give me your fucking arm.”

“If you think I’m letting you stick me with anything—”

Lorenzo holds up his fist. “Two choices. I punch you in the face until you pass out, or you start cooperating. Either way, I’m sticking you with this needle.”

He will punch me. I can see it in his eyes. So much for The Hippocratic Oath, first, do no harm. Maybe they only make you swear that if you pass your exams.

“Fine,” I mutter, and hold out my arm.

“Sit on the table. I’m not catching you if you faint.”

It creeps me out to go anywhere near his horrible metal tables but I clamber up onto one and perch on the edge. Lorenzo grasps my wrist and pulls a rubber tourniquet around my upper arm.

“Pump your fist open and closed. Let’s see those pretty veins.”

I do as I’m told and a thick blue vein stands out at the bend of my elbow. I watch him closely, eyeing the needle in his black gloved hand. His blue eyes are burning bright.

“Most people don’t watch this part,” he says, hovering the needle over my arm.

I’ve never been afraid of needles or blood and I want to see exactly what this psycho is doing to me. “I’ll watch every little thing you do to me,doctor.”

As the needle slips into my vein and he depresses the plunger, something occurs to me. “If the chip is in the back of my neck, why are you putting a local anesthetic in my bloodstream? Shouldn’t it go in my neck?”

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