Page 69 of First Comes Blood

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“Talking back. Which brings me to rule number two. No talking back. Rule number three. No trying to escape.”

He slides his thumb over my nipple and I brace myself for him to tug it viciously, but he doesn’t. He rubs my nipple firmly in a way that makes heat dart through me.

Cassius’ voice grows husky. “Rule four. Do as you’re told at all times, by all of us, or I’ll punish you.”

My breath hitches at his touch. “So, if I’m good you saygood girl, and if I’m bad you’ll punish me?”

“Si, bambina.” He squeezes my breasts in his hand and my head tips back. Asshole.

“Can I try to kill Lorenzo again?”

I expect him to smack his hand over my nipple again, but to my surprise, Cassius laughs, a deep, rich sound. The vibrations travel from my nipples down to my pussy that’s pressed tightly against him.

“What’s life without a little unpredictability? Just remember that he’ll probably kill you first. I’d rather you didn’t die yet.”


“You like playing with fire,bambina. You nearly died several times this year and it’s only thanks to us and Salvatore that you’re still breathing.”

He means that Geak guy who nearly killed me. Probably my father too, come to think of it. “I wasn’t in any danger until you all came into my life.”

“We’re here now. Let us worry about the danger. You just follow the rules.”

“What if I don’t?”

He raises his hand to slap my nipple again and I quickly say, “Okay, okay! I get the message.”

“What are your rules?”

“No talking about Salvatore. No talking back. No trying to escape. Do as I’m told.”

“And are you going to follow them?”



Of course I’m not.

As soon as I find a way out of here, I’m going to run.

Fuck Cassius’ rules.

He wraps his arm around my waist, hauls me up against his chest and pushes my joggers and underwear down my legs. Then he settles me back into place and grips my hands behind my back again, taking a good long look at my breasts and my…my everything.

Looking me dead in the eye, he licks his thumb and strokes it across my clit.

I gasp and squirm in his grip. “What—what are you doing?”

“What I always do with girls who do what I say. A little positive reinforcement.” He circles his thumb over my clit, tortuously slow. “This is what you get if you’re good.”

The last thing I want to do is begoodfor my captors, but there’s something about the way this big man talks to me and how his voice rumbles so soothingly in my ears. After Lorenzo’s viciousness, Cassius’ lap and his pet names, and even the pain he inflicts, is making me melt.

My pussy is melting as well, all over his fingers. I roll my hips back and forth across the bulge beneath his towel, working myself against his fingers and enjoying his hard breathing.

“Do you like it, too?” I whisper.

“Si, bambina, I like it, too.”
