Page 70 of First Comes Blood

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“Your plan won’t work. I’m happy to say that Lorenzo would rather set himself on fire than touch me.”

“You let me worry about that,” he murmurs, pushing his fingers deeper to reach where I’m slippery, and then back to my clit. I moan louder, thinking how easy it is to pretend to follow his rules when he’s about to make me burst apart in pleasure.

As I come, Cassius works his fingers faster on my clit and leans forward and clasps one of my nipples between his teeth. The pleasure and pain rocket through me and I cry out, my head falling back.

Boneless from my release, I fall against his bare chest, which is big and warm, and rest my cheek against his shoulder. My arms come around him automatically. I’ve never been held by a man before, and with the aftershocks of my orgasm racing through me I want to get even closer to him.

Cassius shoves me off him and stands up, leaving me shivering in the sudden cold on the sofa. When I look up at him, that indulgent expression has been replaced with cold indifference.

“Remember what I said, or I’ll be the one to punish you. You won’t fucking like it if I really punish you, so be good for me, and be good for Vinicius and Lorenzo.”

I wrap my arms around myself to cover my nakedness and glare at him. “I can’t be good for Lorenzo if I’m going to kill him.”

He strides out of the room, the light shifting over the heavy muscles of his back. “I’d advise you not to try. I’d like to fuck you while you’re still in one piece.”



Iopen my eyes in the darkness, not knowing how I know, but certain there’s someone in my room. No, in mybed. I keep as still as I can, straining for the sound of someone breathing, or the feel of the bed dipping under the weight of a heavy body.

Cassius? Panic floods through me—no, it must be Lorenzo, here to murder me because I had the audacity to be kidnapped by him.

As carefully as I can, I lift my head and peer around.

A voice speaks behind me, deep and familiar. “You’re awake.”

I roll over. It’s Vinicius, his head propped on his hand. He’s under the blankets in my bed, his shoulders are bare and he seems to be wearing nothing but a smile. “I heard Cassius left you hanging earlier. I thought you might need a cuddle.”

“Are younaked?”

He glances down at himself, and then back up at me. “Why don’t you find out?”

“Get out!” Predictably, he keeps smiling and doesn’t move. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”

“I told you. I thought you might need a hug after what happened earlier. Cassius can be…distant.”

Downright callous, more like. “How did you know about that?”

“We’re in a group chat.”

I stare at him, baffled by the image of these three bloodthirsty men chatting away via text. Do they share mafia memes? “Cassius just blurted out everything we did together? You guys are messed up.”

“You don’t need to feel embarrassed.”

“A group of guys discussing getting me off? Sure, nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Cassius told you a little about the arrangement the four of us—the three of us, sorry—have considered. We’re not agroup of guys. We’re three extremely close men who are trying something out for the first time to see if it will make sense for us, and for you. We talked about you in the most respectful terms.”

“You were allrespectfullydiscussing my pussy?”

He fights a grin. “Cassius had nothing but the best things to say about your pussy.”

I reach out and shove his chest, my face flaming. “Oh, shut up.”

Vinicius covers my hand with his and pulls me closer. “Come here. Everyone always says I give the best cuddles.”

