Page 71 of First Comes Blood

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“It’s just skin. I don’t bite.”

“It’s not just—you don’t—I’ve never been—”

“Chiara, I know. Come here.” He pulls me into his arms, but the blanket is bunched between us so I’m not actually touching him.

“Those two men are closer to me than brothers, Chiara. No one understands me like they do.” For once there’s not a trace of teasing in his voice. I wonder if this is the first time that Vinicius has spoken the absolute truth to me.

He wraps his arms around me and speaks softly in the darkness. “We know that we’re severely lacking in whatever makes a good partner. Kindness. Understanding—”


He laughs softly. “Each of us have a little piece of what a woman might grow to love. Between us, maybe we’re one decent boyfriend.”

Cassius and Vinicius? Possibly. Lorenzo? He’s got nothing that I or any sane woman could want, and Cassius and Vinicius are in la-la land if they think this dynamic is ever going to work. It would be hard enough to get off the ground if they were the loveliest and most considerate men on the planet and not a bunch of murderous kidnappers.

“What about jealousy?”

“Among the three of us? There’d be nothing to be jealous about because you’d belong to all of us. Is that nice?” he whispers in my ear as he pulls me further into his arms.

He plants a kiss on my throat, and another on my jaw. Warmth washes over me. That does feel nice, actually. He turns my face up to his and presses his mouth to mine in a slow kiss, as sweet and delicious as chocolate. Then as burning hot as fiery peppers.

In the back of my mind, I remember that Vinicius is just as dangerous as the others even though he doesn’t act like it. In fact, I seem to remember that he can be even more dangerous because he knows how to break down all your defenses with that silver tongue of his.

But it’s been a rough week and I crave the comfort of his touch. And god, how comforting he is with his hands rubbing circles on my back and his tongue just flicking at my lips. When he draws me closer I push my hands beneath the blanket so I can stroke his bare chest. Such warm, silky skin over hard muscles.

Vinicius eases me onto my back and our bare legs tangle together. I’m wearing an oversized T-shirt and underwear, making it easy for him to stroke my waist and squeeze my hips. My eyes open wide in the dark as his fingers loop into my underwear and start to drag them down.

Wait, wasn’t this about cuddling? “You tricky bastard.”

He wriggles down the bed a little and kisses my bare midriff. “Me, kitten? I just want to make you feel good. I’ll stop if you want.”


I’ve been learning a lot aboutwantlately, but there’s still so much that I don’t understand. Why my pussy gets wet the instant these men touch me, for one thing. I can feel my own slipperiness now, just waiting to be discovered by Vinicius. He eases my underwear down my hips and legs until I’m naked from the waist down.

Then he slips between my thighs and plants a kiss on my clit.

“Have you got another one in there for me?” His voice is dripping with heat and desire. Another orgasm.

Laying there and panting is all the answer he needs. I’m going to escape. Meanwhile, I have to be what Cassius callsgood. Letting Cassius and Vinicius make me come is a hardship I’ll bear while I seek a route out of here.

I let my knees fall open, push my fingers into Vinicius’ thick, golden hair and stare at what’s happening. Vinicius, between my thighs, licking me. So this is what his devious mouth can do. His tongue homes in on my clit, and those mischievous eyes of his glance up to see what he’s doing to me.

Wonderful things. Vinicius is all delicious heat and pleasure.

“Who are you?” I gasp, watching him lick me and feeling the hot sensations roll through me. I ride each wave higher and higher.

“Who do you think I am?” His words vibrate against my clit.

“A con man. Someone who steals by telling lies.”

Vinicius sucks my clit. “Among other things. I don’t like to box myself in.”

“Why do you do what you do?”

He takes his time answering, massaging me with his tongue until I’m crying out. “For money. Power. Because I can.”

My hips lift up from the bed involuntarily and I moan. He seems to know my clit better than I do. “But why trickery?”
