Page 88 of First Comes Blood

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“What could you have possibly been through that would mean you’d want that?”

Lorenzo slowly draws his thumbnail across his throat. For a second I think he’s threatening to kill me.

Then I realize he’s telling me what happened to them.

“Was it someone you all loved?”

He folds his arms and glares at me. “Not in the way you’re thinking, princess.”

I turn to Cassius. “I’m sorry about that, and I mean it because I know what it’s like, but I don’t want three insane boyfriends.”

“No one ever seemed right,” Cassius says. “You didn’t seem right, at first, but…”

“But I watched Mom die, and that’s something you can all relate to?” I finish.

Cassius gives a tight nod.

United through destruction. A blood bond. That’s what he thinks the four of will have.

“I won’t do it.He’scrazy,” I say, nodding at Lorenzo. Then I look at Vinicius. “All he does is lie. And you,” I finish, gazing at Cassius, “showing me even one drop of affection is taking decades off your life. You don’t want somethingcloser than a wife, you want a toy, and I’m not playing. Find some other girl, preferably someone as crazy and damaged as all of you are, because it’s not going to be me.”



If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t…

Then you need to go andgetit.

Three days after Scava stole Chiara away from my apartment, I finish my meetings early and head home. Chiara’s reading on the sofa when I stride out of the elevator, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head and crop top baring her midriff.

Fuck, she’s cute. Whenever I look at her, I feel pain and pleasure in equal amounts. I swore I’d never let myself get attached to another person after Evelina was killed, and Chiara being younger and just so fucking adorable makes me think of her more than I have in years.

I hate it. I crave it. My moods swing unpredictably and I know that’s not fair on her. I don’t know if I can get past the impulse to shove Chiara away.

But I’m trying.

I lean over the back of the sofa and gaze at her. “I missed you today,bambina.”

She blinks, seeming surprised that I’ve spoken from the heart. “Where’s everyone been? I haven’t seen the others in days. I’ve barely seen you.”

“We thought you might like some space.” Actually, I told the other two to back off for a little while, for Chiara’s sake, but maybe for selfish reasons, too. I want to share her, I want to see her with the others, but right now I feel like I’m lagging far behind. Scava was the first one to get her into his bed.

Scava. For fuck’s sake.

Between him snarling at Chiara and Vinicius trying to sneak his way into her panties,Mio Dio, I thought I had more time to get over my…problems. I shouldn’t have underestimated Scava’s need to win at any cost, and just how much he’s attracted to our sweet little blonde.

She rubs her hands over her face. “I’ve done nothing but think. I’m exhausted.”

I come around the sofa and sit down beside her. “Can I ask what you’ve been thinking about?”

Chiara sighs and plucks at a cushion. “Mom. I think about her all the time and the fact that Dad murdered her and suffered no consequences whatsoever.” She clenches her head in her hand and moans. “I’m so angry all the time. I don’t know what to do.”

I wish I could give her advice, but when it comes to the pain and anger of loss, I’m as stuck as she is.

“You know, I asked…you-know-who to kill Dad. He wouldn’t do it, though.”

Salvatore. He wouldn’t kill the mayor. That doesn’t surprise me. “You want your father dead?”

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