Page 73 of In League with Ivy

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“But it’s all about detoxifying,” Ivy said.

“I get that. I’ve got plenty of ideas for a campaign. That’s if I’m not in the bad books.”

“Having shots out on the pier was never going to end well.”

“Hey, I enjoyed that late-night dip. Didn’t you?”

“It was fun.” She smiled.

“I wouldn’t have minded the session with the shaman and tripping out, but that questionnaire freaked me out,” I admitted. “It’s rather intrusive with all those intimate questions. Like how many drugs I’d taken in my life, how I felt the morning after, and whether I got teary and entertained suicidal thoughts.”

“Do you? Have you?” Ivy asked.

“Never suicide.” I shrugged. “Teary. Don’t most people?”

“They do. But you seem to skip through life.”

“That’s because we haven’t spent that much time together. But I can cry like the best of them.”

“Like what over?” Her eyes lit up with interest.

“Um… the vodka being left out of the fridge.” She opened her mouth to protest, but I held up my finger. “And there being no cold beer.” When her eyes fired up with disapproval, I added, “And when you wouldn’t return my calls.”

Her face softened. “That’s because you were on Tinder.”

“I wasn’t. I just forgot to take down my profile.”

She tipped her head as though to read me. “So did you really cry over me not picking up?”

I chose my words carefully. “It was more an internal howl.”

She slapped my arm. “You’re full of shit. You don’t cry.”

“I have.” I opened my palms. “When Lulu died. I bawled like a baby.”


“Our dog.”

“When you were five,” she said.

“No. Older than that. I’ve cried.” My playful smile melted away, and I became serious. “When my grandmother died a few years ago, I was pretty broken.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. You were close?”

“You bet. She was the only one that stood up for me whenever my parents were comparing me to Hunter. Especially when he did so well at college, and well, I basically…” I took a breath. “I got expelled.”

“Really? Why?”

“Too much partying, and I had sex with my teacher.”

Shit. Too much information.

I shifted in my seat. Ivy seemed to have this knack of getting me to spill my innermost secrets.

She grimaced. “She was older?”

I nodded morosely, cringing at the ridiculously overblown scandal that horrible episode had caused.

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