Page 43 of Grump Daddy

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I nod eagerly. “Oh, for sure. I am more than willing to keep on trying. I have always wanted to be a decent father for you. I know I have a lot to make up for, that’s for sure.”

It feels really great to see Olivia break out into a smile. This is so different from the first time we tried this, the vibes are different, in a really good way.

“Thanks, actually, for bringing me to Laucala Island,” she continues. “I wasn’t sure about it when you first offered, and actually I might not have come if it hadn’t been for Isabella convincing me. She thought it would be good for me because of the heartbreak and the accident as well, but I don’t think even she knew how good it would be for me.”

“Because of Benji?” I ask cautiously, because I have to admit I’m still a little worried about that whole situation. I really don’t want Olivia to be hurt again.

“A little bit,” she laughs. “He has been a good distraction from my heartache, and has also reminded me that I don’t need to take shit from a guy again. I think I got so used to it with Leon that I forgot there are decent guys out there in the world.”

“So, now you think that you might make better choices?”

“Oh, I think I’m going to be single for a while. See where that takes me.”

Well, I’ve definitely achieved everything that I wanted to with this trip then. Olivia is feeling better, she’s smiling and walking with a lighter step, as if she doesn’t have the weight of the world on her shoulders anymore.

On top of that, she’s going to be spending more time with me as well. June is surely going to be pleased with the progress that I have made.

Maybe we can rehash the past as well, just to put it behind us once and for all. I don’t know, right now that is just an idea. We will work it out at some point…

Once we have all the heavier stuff out of the way, the conversation flows easily between us. It really is so much better between us, which I like. I’m so freaking happy I could weep.

This is just perfect. The best dinner that I have ever had.

Finally, I can make up for everything that’s happened.

We can start moving forwards…

* * *

My feet barely touch the floor as I leave Olivia at the restaurant with Benji, who has turned up to have a final farewell night with her. She’s happy, and so am I. She even hugs, which is a massive step, I can’t quite get my head around it.

It’s awesome.

I’m still soaring higher than air when I come across Isabella, sitting at the same table we shared drinks together the other night, still with her laptop in front of her. Even after everything that has happened today.

It’s late, she should be relaxing, but she isn’t.

She’s passionate, and working her ass off. Watching her eyebrows furrowed and her face flooded with concentration brings a delighted smile to my face.

God, she’s beautiful, isn’t she? The most stunning woman I have ever laid my eyes on. She’s as gorgeous as Laucala Island, which is why I would prefer to stay here with her. Real life doesn’t feel like something I want to wrap my head around right now.

Usually, it doesn’t matterwhatis going on, I can’t wait to get back to work, to the office. This is the first time that work doesn’t appeal to me in the same way.

Isabella seems to sense my eyes on her, because after a few moments she lifts her gaze up to meet mine. The same smile I can feel on my face spreads across hers too. We just lock in on one another, and remain like that for a couple of moments, accepting the silence and all the unspoken words surging between us. The knowledge that as amazing as it has been, it has to be over.

We can’t see one another anymore.

Perhaps it’s for the best that things went so wrong with Michael. Not that I’m happy for the way that things happened, but because it means our paths won’t cross again.

“So, is everything good with Olivia?” Isabella finally asks, breaking the silence before it becomes overwhelming. “How was your dinner with her tonight?”

“Good.” I grin happily. “I really think that we are going to have a good relationship after this. I know it’ll take some time, but I’m confident we will get there.”

I find myself walking toward Isabella to take a seat without really thinking about it. She pushes her laptop to one side so we can have a proper talk.

“I’m happy for you, and for her. I really think you both deserve that,” Isabella replies as she kicks back for a second. “I hope something amazing can come from all of this.”

There’s a thick hesitation in the air, there are a lot of things that we need to say to one another, but neither of us wants to start because it will be sad, and make everything real.
