Page 72 of Perfect Someday

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I rest my head on him again. “Nah. It’s perfect.”

He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a ring. “Nothing’s perfect until you take my name too.”

I sit up instantly and turn back to him in shock.

He grins his cheesy grin as he says, “Hannah Murphy, I’ve loved you since we were kids. It’s always been you, and it will always be you. Will you do me the honor of taking my last name and promise to love me forever and ever? Will you marry me?”

Tears slip down my face, not at his words, but from the ring.

My mom passed away about a year ago, finally succumbing to her disease as her body completely gave out on her. Though I was devastated to lose her, she hadn’t been my mom for a while, and I felt peace, knowing she was in a better place.

The last day in my childhood home before we sold it was very hard for me. Matthew and I sat in the backyard listening to “Turn the Page” by Bob Seger, one of my mom’s favorite singers, and cried before we walked out for good. It was the perfect way to say goodbye to both her and our home.

When we cleaned the place out, I found some jewelry that I never knew she had. The diamond necklace and earrings were unique in their antique way, and I wondered if they had been my grandmother’s.

Seeing that he took those pieces and had them made into a beautiful ring surprises me even more.

“I wanted you to have a piece of your mom with you at all times, and I figured there was no better place than the symbol that shows our love as well.”

His words make me cry even more.

When I don’t say anything, he lowers his eyes to meet mine, and I start laughing when I realize I never answered him.

“Oh my God, yes, Matthew. Yes, I’ll take your last name!”

He puts the ring on my finger, and I throw my arms around his neck.

Just then, cheers surround us as everyone we love comes around the corner to celebrate with us.

I jump to my feet when Leah and Ellie race to me—well, as fast as Leah can, being seven months pregnant.

Emily is next to run to my side to give me a hug. “Now, I expect to have a little cousin here very soon!”

Justine gives me a hug before she turns to Emily. “Actually, you’ll be their kid’s aunt!”

Her face scrunches up. “Aunt? How can I be an aunt at eight years old?”

“That’s what happens when your father has kids eighteen years apart,” Matthew says with a laugh.

“Both the best decisions I’ve ever made,” Tucker says as he gives me a hug. “Welcome to the family, sweetheart. I always knew you would be part of the family someday.”

“Thank you.” I hug him back.

When I see Cole, Nate, and Trent there as well, I rush to give them hugs. They truly are family, and I wouldn’t want this moment without them.

I take the opportunity as well to give Nate some shit. “You know you’re next, right?”

He rolls his eyes but then laughs as Ellie comes up and curls in his arms. Once we got back to town, they were quick to start dating. Him being with anyone for a long time is a big deal for him, so I know he’s not in a hurry. Doesn’t mean I can’t tease him in the meantime though.

I glance around the room, wishing my mom were here, but then I hold up my ring and feel more than her presence around us. I feel her love.

I know she’s watching after me from her place in heaven and she’s so proud of everything I’ve accomplished. She always hoped Matthew and I would get married someday, and I love that all of her dreams for me have finally come true.

My love of music came from her, but most importantly, what I know about true love also came from her. She taught me how I should be treated and that I should put up with nothing less than everything I deserved.

Being a single mom was probably the hardest thing she ever did, but she did it so well, and I’m living proof of that.

Someday, I’ll meet with her again in heaven, but until then, I’ll continue to live in my own heaven here on earth with Matthew and everyone I love by my side as I follow my dreams.
