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His own father had been morally bankrupt and Rafael wouldnotset that kind of example. No, the family he’d create would be different.

And Matias? Santa Castelia?

Yes, those two things were yet more reasons why marriage was the only answer. He had to set an example for his brother and for the country he ruled. He had to show them that taking responsibility for your mistakes was the only way forward.

Anton was still standing there, looking apologetic, so Rafael dismissed him.

Constanza, his housekeeper, appeared at the door, also looking apologetic. ‘There have been calls, Excellency.’ She paused, then added, ‘Many calls.’


‘From His Highness?’ Rafael asked.

Constanza inclined her head. ‘And from the First Advisor. Not to mention from Their Highnesses Prince Zeus and Prince Jahangir Hassan Umar Al Hayat, and His Royal Majesty the King of Arista.’

Rafael gritted his teeth. Naturally his three Oxford friends would know what he’d done and have something to say about it. The news media would no doubt be buzzing.

They could wait, though. Before he talked to anyone else, he had to get Lia’s agreement to their marriage, because forcing it from her was a path he’d never go down.

You didn’t find her agreement necessary when you kidnapped her from the cathedral.

Yes, and that was because he’d allowed his emotions to get the better of him. A good reminder of why he had to stay in control.

He was too dangerous otherwise.

‘Tell anyone who calls that the Princess Amalia is well and that we will be releasing a statement shortly,’ he ordered. ‘Then see that the Mountain Suite is made ready. Also prepare some immediate refreshments suitable for a pregnant woman. We will also be dining in the formal dining room tonight. The food must be exquisite, understand?’ He thought a moment. ‘The Princess also needs a change of clothes. See what you can find for her.’

Constanza, who was very rarely flustered, inclined her head again. ‘Certainly, Excellency.’

Rafael thought a little more. ‘Are there any staff here ordained?’

She remained unflustered. ‘No, Excellency. I am the only staff member here and unfortunately I cannot help you.’

Well, that would be an issue he’d deal with later if and when it arose.

Rafael dismissed the housekeeper, then turned and strode back down the hallway to the living area where he’d left Lia.

She was still sitting on the couch before the fire. Her face was pale and she looked...tired. Sympathy tightened in his chest and this time he let it.

His mother had been a maid at the five-star hotel in Barcelona that his father preferred whenever he visited Spain. She’d been beautiful and he smitten. He was a king, used to taking what he wanted and so he’d taken her. And Rafael was the consequence. He’d been her burden to bear, not his father’s, and borne him she had, on her own.

He couldn’t allow the same thing to happen to Lia. He wouldn’t leave her to do this alone. That was notthe example he wanted to set.

She looked up as he entered, her eyes widening. ‘I thought we were going to discuss this later?’

‘We were.’ He came to a stop in front of the fire, holding his hands out to the flames, letting them warm the chilled tips of his fingers. ‘But it appears that the roads are blocked. No one can get in or out.’

‘I see.’ Her voice was very neutral.

He almost smiled. She always sounded like that when she disagreed with people—in public at least. In private, neutral was the last thing she was.

‘Which means,princesa,’ he said, ‘that you and I will have our little discussion now.’

‘Do we need to have a discussion? I’m not marrying you, Rafael.’

Of course, getting her agreement wasn’t going to be simple. He couldn’t say that he hadn’t hoped, but this was Lia after all. She was a complicated woman.

He wasn’t displeased with the notion of having to work for it, however. He’d always loved it when she argued with him, because so very few people did. Plus, she challenged him and he did so love a challenge.
