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She was...magnificent. And he found that he liked hearing her opinions. He liked arguing with her. He liked being challenged by her, even if it irritated him. It kept him on his toes, kept him sharp, and he hadn’t realised how much he’d needed that until now.

‘Social programs require money,’ he pointed out. ‘Which the treasury doesn’t have.’

She waved that away as if it was nothing. ‘But can’t we do both? Can’t we implement some for the most needy while keeping an eye on the bottom line?’ Her cheeks had gone pink, passion glittering in her blue eyes. ‘Why does everything have to be one or the other? The world isn’t black and white, Rafael, so why do we have to do things as if it was?’

He was riveted, despite himself. ‘So how would you suggest we go about it? Given how depleted the treasury is and how many loans the country has at the moment.’

Her gaze narrowed and she stared at him for a long moment, obviously thinking hard. Then she took a sip of her whisky, put the tumbler down. ‘I don’t know,’ she said honestly. ‘But if you give me a couple of days to think about how to do it, I’ll bring you a plan.’

He couldn’t refuse. He didn’t want to. ‘Do it,’ he said. ‘And if it looks like it could work, I’ll implement it.’

The next night she’d come to him with a plan and—with a few tweaks—he’d been as good as his word and had implemented it. And it had been a success.

She’d encouraged him to think about more than just numbers and figures. About the people his policies affected.

She is wasted on you...

No, he could use her. Put that clever mind of hers to work for him. Be his right-hand woman in the boardroom as well as the bedroom.

She finished the sandwich and put her plate down, giving him a look from beneath her lashes. ‘You’re looking very pleased with yourself. What have you just been thinking about?’

‘You and what an asset you are.’ He leaned over to the table to pour some more orange juice into a glass for her. ‘You probably haven’t had time to think about what you might like to do with your future, but I wonder if you’d consider a role in my company.’

Surprise rippled over her lovely face. ‘You mean work for you?’

‘Yes. Why not? I can guarantee it would be challenging and exciting. You’d enjoy it, I think.’

She blinked. ‘Oh... And what about our child?’

‘There are many options we can consider. A nanny or we can have the child at work with us.’ He handed her the orange juice. ‘I am the boss, after all, and I can arrange it to suit our needs whatever they are.’

She took the glass, sipping carefully, watching him over the rim, her expression thoughtful. ‘And where would you consider us living?’

He shrugged. ‘Anywhere you like. It would probably be polite not to live here after Matias becomes King. I’m not sure he’d like the former Regent looking over his shoulder.’

‘Did you ever want to be King?’ she asked. ‘Or consider changing things so you could take the throne?’

He didn’t even have to think about it. He wanted nothing of his father’s, especially not his crown. ‘No. Matias will be a good king when he gains a little confidence and I’m ready for other challenges.’

Lia tilted her head. ‘Why did you agree to be Regent?’

It was a good question and one he saw no reason not to answer. ‘Because someone needed to fill Santa Castelia’s treasury and someone needed to guide Matias.’

‘Yes, but why you?’

He raised a brow. ‘You think I wasn’t a suitable choice?’

‘No, it’s just... Well, it’s clear you have no love for Carlos, so why bother with his crown?’

This was edging into uncomfortable territory, but again, there was no reason not to tell her. She’d been so honest with him after all and, besides, it was no secret.

‘I wanted to set an example,’ he said. ‘To show Matias what a ruler should be. Steady and calm, and absolutely in control of both himself and the country.’

‘Ah, yes, that’s what you’re doing with this marriage, too, aren’t you?’

‘Yes. People need to see that I am nothing like Carlos. And they need to see it in Matias as well.’

She gave him a slightly puzzled look. ‘But it’s obvious you’re nothing like him, Rafael. Everyone can already see that.’

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