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He wasn’t sure. Perhaps it was that curiosity of his. Or perhaps it was only because she was female. He hadn’t been this curious about his male guards and, after all, he was a simple man. There was also this physical attraction, which, though surprising, couldn’t be denied.

Yes, perhaps it was merely chemistry. And maybe he cared more than he should or ought to, about the impending engagement. He’d told himself it didn’t bother him that he was tying himself to someone he didn’t want or even like for the rest of his life, but it seemed that he had more feelings about it than he’d anticipated.

The whole situation reeked of the kind of virtuous self-denial and sacrifice his father had so often espoused, reminding him of the cage he’d escaped during his exile. The cage of responsibilities and expectations from which his banishment had set him free.

Yes, he’d chosen to come back and take up the royal mantle once again, but only because his brother had asked. If it had been left up to him, he’d have happily continued sleeping his way around Europe and wasting his life.

Liar. You weren’t happy.

Xerxes ignored that thought, concentrating on the woman in front of him.

It didn’t escape him that she would make a particularly sweet last rebellion.

She was beautiful. Strong. And there were those tantalising glimpses of spirit in her eyes, signs of a passionate yet hidden nature. He’d always found that fascinating, and add to that a period of enforced celibacy and, perhaps most of all, the forbidden element...

Oh, she was perfect.

But... He’d promised his brother that he’d be good. That he’d leave his life of indulgence and pleasing no one but himself behind. The role of Defender was one he’d been born to and one he’d desperately wanted to fulfil when he’d been younger, before his father had tainted it. He couldn’t let Adonis down for one night of completely inappropriate pleasure, no matter how perfect it might turn out to be.

Ignoring the rush of heat flooding through him, he settled his fingertips lightly on the straps of her bra, easing the fabric off her shoulders and tucking each strap beneath the sleeves of the gown, hiding them.

She watched him, the lovely amber of her eyes darkening, deepening into an even lovelier coppery brown.

The air around them got that dense, electric feeling it always did when physical chemistry was involved. And it came to him that he hadn’t felt it so strongly before. Not that he could remember.

Who was this woman?

Her breathing was faster now, and although she faced the mirror she didn’t even give herself so much as a glance. She was looking at him as if he was a lifeline she had to hold on to, and he suspected it wasn’t only because of their chemistry.

It was something more.

‘Tell me,’ he said. ‘What exactly is it about a gown that makes you go so pale?’

She blinked as if a spell had been broken. She didn’t look so pale now, colour staining the clear golden skin of her cheeks. ‘Nothing. Is this the gown you want, Your Highness? Or is there another you want me to try on?’

His curiosity tightened. He wasn’t used to being denied, especially when it came to women who were interested in him, and she was interested, of that he was certain. That she was trying to put him at a distance was also obvious, though he supposed she had good reason, given who they were.

Then again, it was delightful, since he’d always liked a chase.

Don’t be a fool. You’ve put all of that behind you now.

True. But he wasn’t going to touch her. He just wanted to know more.

Briefly, he considered ordering her to tell him, but that wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as her telling him because she wanted to. Which she might, if he played this right.

‘The gold, I think,’ he murmured.

Stepping away from her, he went over to the rail and pulled a gold satin gown off it. Then he went to the bed and laid the fabric across the quilt. ‘If you please, soldier.’

She followed him over to the bed, walking carefully in the yards of blue silk, then came to a halt and reached around behind her for the zip. Her forehead creased as she fumbled for it, so he moved behind her, taking hold of the tab and slowly drawing it down. The fabric parted, exposing the elegant length of her bare back, and he had the almost irresistible urge to run his finger down it, to touch her skin. What would happen if he did? Would she shiver? Would her breath catch?

That would be a mistake.

Luckily, he didn’t have to make what would probably be the wrong decision, because she moved away from him, going over to where he’d laid out the other gown. She let the blue silk slip from her shoulders, stepping out of it without a trace of self-consciousness. Undressing before him the way she had previously. As if he were a statue. As if he wasn’t a man at all, let alone a man with a certain reputation.

A reputation you can’t afford to revisit.

Xerxes clenched his fists then opened themagain. She’d taken him by surprise the first time she’d stripped in front of him, because it had been the last thing he’d expected her to do, and he’d been a little angry with her about that.
