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‘And if I refuse?’

Slowly, Xerxes rose to his full height. ‘You won’t.’

The anger in her eyes leapt, hot as the fire in the grate. ‘I can and I will.’

Desire clenched harder, urging him to match himself against her, take her challenge, turn her anger into something far hotter that would consume both of them the way it had consumed him that night in his bedroom. Make her forget any objection she had.

God, he was so tired of feeling nothing, of this cold void around him. He was Hades in the Underworld and she was Persephone, bringing heat and fire and passion, bringing life to him. Literally. He wanted to wrap himself up in her, cover himself with her, lose himself just for a moment.

But there was no time for that now. He had an engagement to break.

‘You will not,’ he said flatly. ‘You’re pregnant with my heir and I will not allow any child of mine to grow up without the protection of the throne behind them.’

Calista shoved herself unexpectedly out of the chair again, standing so she was right in front of him, bare inches away. There were sparks in her dark honey eyes, anger suffusing her cheeks, bringing much needed colour to them.

And he realised suddenly that he’d spent weeks watching her, weeks looking for some kind of reaction to him, weeks being disappointed when she betrayed no reaction at all. He’d wanted that soldier’s mask of hers to slip, just once, yet it never had.

It was slipping now though. Now, if he pushed a little harder, it might come right off.

‘I can’t marry you, Your Highness,’ she said forcefully. ‘I’m afraid it’s impossible.’

He stared at her, right into those gorgeous eyes. The shock had gone, leaving anger flaming in its wake. A goddess full of righteous fury.

The desire was so strong now it just about strangled him, and all he could think of was how badly he wanted to pull her closer, to take her lovely mouth. Show her all the physical benefits that a marriage to him would bring.

He hadn’t had a woman in weeks. In fact, the last woman he’d had was her, so no wonder he was feeling it so acutely.

She’ll be the last woman you’ll ever have.

Yes, she would. And he was not disappointed about that in the least.

‘It’s not impossible, soldier. It’s inevitable.’ A rough edge crept into his voice. ‘And I wouldn’t get that close to me if I were you. It’s been a while since I’ve indulged myself with a woman and I have no issues with taking my fiancée to bed before we’re married.’

Her strong features hardened. ‘I’m not your fiancée.’

‘Not yet.’ He lifted a hand before he could stop himself, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger, holding her fast. ‘Give me five minutes.’

She went very still. ‘I’m not even going to get a choice?’

‘I’m sorry, was that not clear?’ His fingers tightened as her anger blazed, his own will rising to meet it. ‘No. You don’t.’

Her hands half lifted then closed into fists, and he smiled, because he knew exactly what she’d been going to do. ‘Attacking one’s future husband is very bad form. Especially when one’s husband-to-be is second in line to the throne.’

The sparks in her eyes had become flames, blazing unchecked. He thought she might lay hands on him anyway, and he wanted her to. He wanted her to attack, to fight, because he knew how that would end. He’d turn her rage into passion and they’d end up on the floor of this room, naked and panting.

Maybe she knew it, too, because her gaze flickered, dropping to his mouth then back up again. And for a second tension crackled between them, electric and hot.

She was aware of him now, he could tell. Physically aware. Aware that the chemistry that had ignited between them that night in his bedroom was there still. It was written all over her face. He thought she might go up on her toes and kiss him, take his mouth the way he wanted to take hers.

But she didn’t. Instead she lowered her hands and jerked her chin out of his grip. ‘I’m not marrying you, Your Highness. I won’t.’

So that was how it was going to be. Well, he could work with that.

‘You will,’ he said calmly, stepping back from her, because it was probably wise for them both to have some distance. And besides, it was time to go and see Eleni and then his brother. ‘And that’s not a request. That’s an order.’

Then he turned on his heel and went out.

