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He stroked his thumbs over her hips gently, keeping his gaze on hers. ‘Why not?’ he asked softly. ‘You’re a goddess, Calista. And I want to worship you.’

‘I’m not. I’m just a soldier, and a prince shouldn’t kneel.’

‘But you’re not just a soldier.’ He spread his fingers out on her sides, stroking her, letting her know how beautiful he found her. ‘And I’m not just a prince. I’m a man and you’re a beautiful woman. Why shouldn’t I kneel to you?’

‘I...’ She stopped, shivering, a confusion in her eyes he didn’t understand.

She wanted him, it was clear. And yet this was distressing her and he wasn’t sure why. Over the past few days she hadn’t found his touching her difficult, so what had changed?

You are making this about her. That’s what’s changed.

Understanding filtered through him. The sex they’d shared here had been about the act itself, about sating the hunger, indulging the chemistry. He hadn’t thought about the emotional connection.

But this was different and he could feel it. He wanted to give her pleasure, make her feel good, show her she was special, and not for his own satisfaction, but for hers.

He couldn’t pretend he didn’t care any more; that excuse was long gone.

He cared. He cared about her.

But she was fighting it.

‘You can’t,’ she said, suddenly and fiercely, picking the thought right out of his head. ‘You can’t care about me.’

So, was this where the battle was to be fought? Fine, he was ready.

‘Oh?’ He lifted a haughty brow so she would know that he was not going to back down, not on this. ‘And why not?’

‘Because I don’t want you to.’ She took a shaken, ragged-sounding breath, her amber eyes wild. ‘A prince can’t care for a soldier.’

It was about more than that, he could tell, but now wasn’t the time to push and besides, he wasn’t a man who took orders from anyone. And he wasn’t a man who gave up. She was the one who’d shown him that.

‘A prince can do whatever he wants.’ Xerxes met her fierce gaze. ‘And so can the man. Let me show you.’


But he was ready to fight and he ignored her, kissing her lower and lower still, gripping her hips tightly and holding her in place as he nuzzled between her thighs.

She shuddered, and when he began to explore her with his tongue she moaned.

She didn’t pull away or tell him to stop again. Her fingers settled in his hair instead, twisting tightly as he explored, tasting the sweetness at the heart of her.

And only when her knees were weak, and she was gasping and shaking, did he finally rise to his feet and pick her up in his arms, carrying her over to the sofa and laying her down on it. He paused only to get rid of his own clothing before following her down onto it.

She reached for him, pulling him to her, wrapping her legs around his waist as he settled himself on her. Her body was hot, her skin like satin, all firm muscle and soft curves, and she smelled like sex and desire.

He put his mouth to her throat and kissed her there, the taste of her skin making need tighten inside him. Making him hungry. Her hips lifted beneath his, the press of her wet sex against him stealing his breath, turning his blood into lightning in his veins.

She lifted her hands to his shoulders, sliding them down his back, nails digging into his skin. Her mouth found his and she bit him, her teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

It felt as if she was fighting him or punishing him, or something in between, but that was fine. She was a soldier and all she knew was how to fight.

But he would teach her differently. He would teach her that she didn’t need to fight, that sometimes surrender could be just as sweet. So he ignored her bites, refused to rise to her demands, took them and turned them instead into slow, hot kisses and long, lazy caresses. She tried to push him, writhing beneath him, trying to make him desperate, but he wasn’t desperate. Because he had nothing to be desperate about.

He knew what he wanted and he had patience. He had strength and he had endurance and he would use all of that to show her that a prince could indeed care about a soldier. It was possible. It was inevitable.

He pushed his hand between them, finding the soft, wet heat and the most sensitive part of her, stroking as he kissed her, taking her desperate cries and choked sobs into himself and giving her back more pleasure.

And then he thrust deeply inside her, holding on to her hips, the sounds of her pleasure echoing in the air around him. A storm of sensation chased him, the feel of her, the scent of her, the sounds she made.
