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I smile. ‘I can see how that would be necessary.’ Mary has an energy about her that probably needs a steady sort.

‘For sure. If I was into stereotypes, I’d say he’s your typical French chef. Brooding, quiet and wears a perpetual scowl. They make a fine pair. Mary brings out the best in him, and when he’s not working he’s been known to smileandlaugh, at the same time.’

‘Wonders will never cease! I feel like I’ve been living under a rock. All these different personalities are quite the breath of fresh air.’ Where I’ve come from, people aren’t as open, as honest. You see a façade, their camera-ready faces, their public personalities. And then you have others on their best behaviour because of the Astor name. It’s all so phony, it’s enough to make me scream. Here, people arereal. They don’t pretend to be what they’re not.

‘You say that now, but just wait. Soon, you’ll be one of them and sick to death of hearing the same old stories exaggerated every Friday at the pub.’

Sounds like bliss to me. But before I can say anything a woman who wears a smart suit wanders over, waving to Finn. She’s heavily made up and has bright burgundy-coloured hair and looks to be around fifty or so. ‘Hey, Finn!’ she says. ‘I’ve been hoping to run into you! I read your article about the crochet group, but when I rang to join they said they were full.’ While her voice is upbeat, there’s hurt in her eyes. Finn’s phone flashes with a text message as the nameKatyappears. He gives it a cursory glance but doesn’t pick it up. Then the name Lia appears. Finn doesn’t react.

‘Lovely to see you, Sofia,’ he says. ‘Who told you the crochet group was full?’

Sofia scrunches up her nose. ‘Charlotte, of course.’

Finn rolls his eyes. Just who is Charlotte?

Sofia shakes her head and continues, ‘She said they weren’t taking new memberships at this time, but I thought the whole point of your article was that they were actively searching for new members so they could expand and find a bigger space to hold the meetings?’

‘Erm …’ Finn scrubs his face and struggles with a response. It seems that the members of the crochet group have purposely blocked this woman from joining, but why? As Finn grapples with what to say, I jump in to save the awkward silence.

‘Hi, Sofia, I’m Elodie. The library needs more members as a matter of haste. Have you ever thought about joining? I’m the new librarian, and I’d love you to come and visit.’

Sofia turns to me and gives me a warm smile. ‘Nice to meet you, Elodie.’ She bends down to my level and gives me a hug as if we’ve known each other for longer than a few minutes and I find it affectionate in a maternal way. ‘I’ve never thought about joining the library. I’m more looking for some social interaction. After being in this town for five years, I’d really,reallylike to make some female friends. Finn’s great and all but sometimes you just need the support of women, you know?’ Five years in Willow Grove and she hasn’t made a female friend? Just what is going on here?

‘You could bring your crochet things and use one of the cubicles there and maybe we could advertise for other like-minded souls?’ I scramble to think of a way to get her to join and offer her something that will help. I need 470 more members and every single new sign-up counts.Besides, I get the feeling Sofia could really use a supportive atmosphere.

‘Well, you see my passion is cooking, but I thought joining the crochet group would help me make some local friends. It’s not the first time I’ve been rebuffed when I’ve gone to join in.’ Why don’t they include her? Finn’s phone beeps again and I eye it:Miranda.He gives it a cursory glance.

I struggle to think of how I can help Sofia. There must be a way. ‘There’s always a possibility you could run some cooking classes at the library. Perhaps we need to meet up and have a bit of a brainstorm.’

Her eyes light up. ‘Really? That would be just fabulous! What about lunch at my place tomorrow. Are you free?’

‘Sure, say twelve?’

‘Twelve it is! I best head off home and start making some notes about the menu. Enjoy your meal. The gratin dauphinois is exquisite.’ Sofia hugs us in turn and scurries off to the counter to pay.

Finn smiles as his phone starts ringing again:Frankie.

Does he have a coterie of women waiting on the sidelines? I cast my mind back to the gifts he surprised me with and wonder if he’s got a shelf of relevant books that he gives to each woman. I’d pegged Finn as a steady sort, but maybe that’s what he wants me to think. ‘You’re very popular with the ladies’ today. Aren’t you going to answer that?’

He flicks it on silent. ‘Trust me I’m not as popular as you think. It’s my pet hate when people answer their phones at a meal. Maybe I’m a little old-school, but there’s a time and place for calls and dinner with a beautiful woman is not one of them. Plus, I know what they want and it’s not going to happen.’

I wait him out to explain.

‘They want the inside scoop,’ he says with a shrug. ‘And if I answer now, I’ll never hear the end of it. I’ll turn it off. I should have already done that. Sorry, Elodie.’

‘It’s fine by me.’ Finn does seem old-school in a lot of respects. The kind of guy who’d open your car door or invite you for a candlelight dinner. I’m intrigued about Sofia and why Finn was struck silent about the whole matter. ‘It seemed like you didn’t want to hurt Sofia’s feelings and tell her the truth. Who is Crochet Charlotte and why doesn’t she let Sofia join in?’

Finn pulls a face. ‘Urgh, was it that obvious?’

‘I don’t think Sofia noticed.’

Mary comes back and plonks a bottle of red wine down but is called away again before we can thank her.

Finn pours us a generous glass and lets out a sigh. ‘Sofia’s ex-husband turned out to be a bit of a con man. He came in and splashed cash around, made all these promises. Managed to use his influence to get a treasury position on the town council and then started siphoning off funds. Next minute he was gone and so was the council’s money.’

Whoa. ‘But Sofia wasn’t part of it?’

Finn shakes his head. ‘No, she had no idea what he was up to. In fact, she repaid the council out of her own pocket. He was as slimy as they come, but he had this way about him, this charisma that drew people to him like flies. Locals are embarrassed they trusted him, put him in a position of power without doing their due diligence. Unfortunately, Sofia is left to bear the brunt of it all.’
