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There’s a pause – as if he’s weighing up how much to tell me. I hurry to reassure him. ‘It’s OK, Teddy.’ I might be miles away but I know things in London will never change and by default I’m still part of it all. ‘You can tell me.’

He sighs and I picture my roguish brother, scrubbing a hand down his face like he does when he doesn’t have a quick fix for things concerning me. ‘I don’t want to ruin your vibe but Mum is laying it on thick. Questioning me as to your whereabouts and when you’ll be back. She’s told Astor staff you’re on an assignment, researching all the ways people commit to a life detox. It’s quite brilliant really, but she wants you back.’

I let out a long groan. ‘I know, but the best thing for me to do is stay distant so she knows I mean business. If I talk to her, she’ll end up convincing me and I really can’t leave now I’ve made this promise. It’s been a real adventure already and I’m loving every minute. If I speak to Mum, that shine will soon wear off.’

‘Why go on a regular trip when you could go on a guilt trip?’

‘Exactly,’ I laugh. ‘What about you, Teddy? Any luck in being taken back into the fold?’

‘They won’t even discuss it. They’ll only discuss you.’

It’s always been this way, ever since Teddy made those mistakes. I thank my lucky stars that we’re so close and that what could be seen as abject favouritism hasn’t put a wedge between us as siblings. If anything, it’s brought us closer. ‘Don’t take no for an answer, Teddy. I know you’ve got the skills to run Astor, but they’re never going to believe it unless you step up andshowthem.’

‘But how? They won’t even give me security clearance. I had to bribe Barry the other day just to sneak up to your office.’

Even though he can’t see me I waggle a brow. ‘Well. I do have a very particular set of skills and with the click of the fingers I can get you security clearance and anything else you need.’

‘Is that so? I didn’t know you had it in you to bend the rules, Elodie.’

‘Only for you, Teddy. Plus Barry owes me a favour or two since I once saved his job …’

Barry is head of security at Astor and takes his job seriously. He’s got a soft spot for me after I once saved him from being fired by taking the blame for an incident that got out of hand when one of his staff failed to react in time. He’s never forgotten it and always reminds me he will be there for me in return if I ever need it.

‘So, make that magic happen, sister, and we’ll see what I can do.’

‘Just waltz in there with all the confidence in the world and take my place. Mum isn’t going to kick you out and lose face in front of them all. But then you’ve really got to wow them. I don’t know how, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.’

‘What’s the worst that can happen?’

‘I know you can do it, Teddy.’

‘Thanks, sis.’

‘Is everything else OK? You don’t seem like yourself.’ His voice isn’t as upbeat and teasing as usual.

‘You didn’t see it?’

‘See what?’

He lets out a long sigh. ‘Louise all over the news with her co-star, sunning it up in Spain even after I warned her about the guy! She’s not like other women and for the life of me I just can’t forget about her, even though I’m trying to make myself. Urgh, those tabloid pictures are burned into my brain.’

‘Aww, Teddy. You know what the press is like – you know better than anyone. How do you know it’s legit? I highly doubt they were just hanging out at the end of a long week. It’ll be a PR stunt, put together to raise the profile of the movie they’re shooting and tamp down his bad-boy reputation.We work with PR firms at Astor and set up these “candid” shots for a story all the time.’ It goes against everything I believe in, but it’s par for the course in media. Usually, these so-called paparazzi shots are scheduled ahead of time, and done as a marketing ploy so the movie gets publicity. It helps highlight the ‘chemistry’ two leads have, when it’s all a complete set-up.

‘Could be, but Louise doesn’t strike me as someone who’d go along with that sort of thing.’

‘It would be out of her hands and she probably hates it even more than you do. Don’t give up hope.’

When we hang up, I shoot Barry a message without giving too much away and call in the favour, asking him to grant Teddy security clearance and tell him to say I ordered it if he gets questioned. Soon enough he replies and assures me it’s done. Then I text Louise:How’s the shoot? Things are looking spicy in Spain!

Before I can blink there’s a reply:Not quite! Co-star as chauvinistic as they come but the powers that be said the pics had to be taken to get ahead of all his bad publicity, as if that’s my problem!Tell Teddy I said hi.

Just as I thought! It happens more than people know.

Urgh, I get it. I’ll pass the message on to Teddy. Enjoy that sunshine while you can.

That taken care of I head outside, following the text directions to Sofia’s house. I don’t have a car, because I’ve never learned to drive, but I figure it’s something I should look into. I could take some long weekend adventures and explore the surrounding areas and go further afield when time permits. It would be another thing to tick off my living-a-real-life list.

The landscape is lush and green with bright blue skies overhead. According to the text message Sofia’s house sits beyond a hilly crest, which I huff and puff my way up, delighting in a monarch butterfly who seems to follow my progress. Once I reach the top, I do a double take. In the valley below is what can only be described as an estate. An estate that looks as though it was once royal. I double-check my directions; this is definitely the place. There’s stables, and a long rounded driveway, and an imposing castle-style abode sits smack bang in the middle, turrets the whole way around as if sentries once stood guard there.
