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All I know is Mother will try to convince me to come back and then this will all have been for nothing. I need to stand my ground and finish what I started at least. I’ll be sorry to lose all my new friends.

Will they forgive me if I up and leave? Sofia already has trust issues and I’ve promised her friendship. Who will make Harry feel welcome and bring him nice home-cooked, nourishing meals? And what about little Alfie with his no-filter approach to life – and his need to be taken under the wide protective wings of people other than his mum.

Then there’s Finn. Beautiful, laid-back Finn who would surely be hurt that I’m not who I say I am despite my best intentions. Would they feel cheated? Will Finn wonder what else I was hiding? I know I would.

‘Dad’s doing OK. He simply needs to rest but you know what he’s like. Thinks the world will stop spinning if he takes time off being Mum’s shadow.’

I take a deep centring breath. ‘He loves her so much.’ I’d always thought of Dad as Mum’s faithful sidekick but being away has given me the space to realise that’s how he shows his love for her. By supporting her in business as that’s her love language. That’s her baby – so he’s right there nurturing her as she nurtures it. ‘Buy me some time, Teddy?’

‘I’ll try. I really will. Tomorrow is another day!’

We say our goodbyes and when I end the call and open the door, Maisie springs away, guilt plastered all over her face. How much did she hear? ‘Can I help you, Maisie?’ I ask, trying to keep my voice steady as I gauge her expression, hoping it will tell me how much she knows.

‘I added some more cushions to the children’s area as per your wishes, if you want to have a look? And I’ve pinned up bunting across the ceiling to make it appear a little more festive too.’

Maisie doesn’t appear to be her usual haughty self. Maybe she didn’t hear a thing. My thoughts are so scrambled it’s hard to know what to think. One thing that stands out is that Maisie seems more enthusiastic when it comes to children’s initiatives in the library. While she’s still adamant she doesn’t want to read aloud to them, she seems to enjoy organising that section and making it look the part. Perhaps, if the funding does come through, I can put Maisie in charge of the design. Give her some extra responsibility there and see how she handles it. She can set up a kids’ craft session, a children’s book club … the possibilities are endless. If only Teddy can sway Mother.

I check my watch. Rhyme time was supposed to start ten minutes ago. ‘We better hurry – they’ll be waiting.’

Maisie shakes her head sadly. ‘None have arrived, Elodie. Not one.’ She shrinks in on herself as if she’s truly upset.

‘Really? Why? You’ve done such an amazing job with that area, Maisie. I’m so sorry that it hasn’t panned out.’ It’s all too much. Why don’t they come? Is it me? Maybe I’m not the person for the job after all? Have I made a huge mistake thinking I could save this place when in fact I’m damaging any chance Willow Grove library had?

‘Good morning, Mum, it’s me.’

‘Ellie! It’s lovely to hear from you. Where are you?’

There’s no point hiding it anymore. I don’t have the energy for it and maybe if she knows I’m gainfully employed she’ll be more understanding. One can only hope! ‘I’m in Willow Grove. I’m working at a library here.’

I’m met with silence and then finally: ‘You left Astor to work at alibrary?’

I close my eyes briefly. ‘It’s not that much of a surprise, is it? I did study librarianship for a reason, Mum. You know I’ve always wanted to follow that path.’

‘But Astor offers you so much more. Why …? I willneverunderstand you, Ellie.’

I let out a laugh, we’re polar opposites and yet she’s still trying to change me, mould me into a version of her. ‘Teddy called. He said things are a bit hectic at Astor. He’s concerned you’re taking on a lot of extra work and the pressure is intense. And now Dad has been back in hospital? How bad is it?’

‘You really did choose a terrible time to leave, darling,’ she admonishes me.‘Your father is OK, but his corporate days are numbered. The cardiologist seems to think that stress is the culprit so has advised him to consider retirement. Can youimagine?’ Her voice rises.

‘Imagine retirement?’ I frown.

‘Yes retirement, what else! It’s ridiculous. What’s one supposed to do? Sit around all day and watch Netflix? That’s just not the Astor way.’

I roll my eyes. Everything always circles back to Astor. ‘Have you ever thought that Dad mightlikeretirement? He might like to watch TV all day and take an afternoon nap. Or go on a cruise around the Caribbean. Eat creamy camembert in Paris? Climb the steps of Machu Picchu.’

She scoffs. ‘Machu Picchu! They’re called theSteps of Deathfor a reason, Ellie! When you retire, you’re basically throwing your hands up to the universe and saying: “Take me, Death, I’m ready.” He can’t retire, he’s mid-sixties for crying out loud. His doctor is a buffoon.’

‘Oh, Mum! That’s not true at all! Why wouldn’t you want to enjoy this season of your life together? It’s not like I’m suggesting you should retire too but you could definitely ease back a little. Take some time to travel. You and Dad have achieved great things but you’ve never enjoyed life outside of work. What about lying in on Sundays and eating buttery croissants in a hotel in Paris. Walking the Camino in Spain. Swimming in the Aegean Sea at sunset. Won’t you regret that you didn’t take this time, under doctor’s orders, to spend with Dad? You said you were all set on handing me the reins of Astor, yet it appears that was never the case.’

‘How can I, Ellie? You’re nowhere to be found. I can’t leave Astor in Teddy’s hands;even if I trusted him, he’s still got so much to learn. It’s a billion-dollar business. One can’t just walk away on a whim.’

Deep down I knew she was never going to hand Astor over to me. She’ll die on her throne. And I find it so desperately heartbreaking – not because I want to take over, but because she doesn’t know anything outside of working. It’s such a limited life. More money than Rupert Murdoch and no time to enjoy it. ‘Teddy is a fast learner. Hecanbe trusted. It’s what he wants, and it’s what needs to happen if you want the future of Astor to be secure. Without him, all you’ve worked for will eventually fizzle away.’ I could never let that happen, but I hope the threat is enough to galvanise her.

‘No, darling, that’s just not true. We needyouback, Ellie – you’re the way of the future, the face of Astor. So when will that be? You’re right – things have been hectic without you, and I can’t keep up. Your father needs me too. This is a family business and that’s all there is to it.’

My heart squeezes. ‘What about what I want though?’

‘You were born for better things, Ellie. When will you see that?’
