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‘I can take you,’ Finn says. And just like that we have the first stirrings of friendship. I can’t wipe the smile from my face. Even if the People Library experiment doesn’t work, this is surely worth it?

‘Thanks, Finn.’

‘No problem. Right, let’s get these photos done, eh?’

They head towards the shelves and band together, laughing and joking before gathering themselves for the shots. There’s a sparkle in their eyes, as if magic has happened …

Chapter 15

Don’t just borrow a book, borrow ahuman

The Chronicle by Finn Ford Wednesday August 24th.

Efforts to save Willow Grove library have ramped up with new librarian Elodie Halifax at the helm. The new initiative, the People Library experiment, is set to start Monday 29th of August. Ms Halifax says of the experiment, ‘We’re offering human “books” to our members. You can borrow a “book” for thirty-minute sessions and hear their real-life stories. All we ask is that you don’t judge a book by its cover.’

So far there are four human books on offer and Ms Halifax hopes to add to these numbers as the experiment continues. The idea behind it is that it will draw members to the library, locals who want more than physical books who are willing to look past their own judgements and open up their hearts to other local residents who are bravely sharing their stories. To book your slot you must be a member.You can find the information here: www.willowgrovelibrary/memberships

Continued page 2 with profiles of the human books on offer.

I flick to page two and see the bright, expectant faces of our human books. Harry is so handsome with his winning smile. Sofia holds a wooden spoon in the air as if she’s about to bake up a storm. Little Alfie grins, displaying his crooked teeth, and it’s enough to make me want to jump into the pages and squeeze him. Pete’s picture gives me pause – his head hangs low as if even a picture might judge him. It hurts to see those feeling translated so readily on his face. Whatever Pete’s been through, it’s done a lot of damage and I only hope the experiment doesn’t add to that.

Finn’s written a profile about each of them, just enough to tempt readers, without giving too much away. If this doesn’t strike a chord in Willow Grove residents, nothing will. TheChronicleis out in town already and the article is about to go live online too. Finn has shared it with his media contacts so I’m hoping it goes far and wide. I don’t use my own networks because I want to do this authentically and I don’t want the Astor name anywhere near this.

Now, we need to pray that memberships increase at a rapid rate. I print posters for the People Library, and pack them into my bag and take a roll of tape while I get ready to head into town.

‘Maisie?’ I find her in the office, staring blankly at the computer screen. ‘Can you take care of things until I get back?’

‘And do what exactly?’

I hold in a sigh. ‘Check in on Alfie, let him know the carpets have been freshly cleaned and he can hit the history section without holding his nose. Approach anyone who comes in to join and explain about our first People Library event. Shelve returned books, you know, the usual.’


Leaning my head on the doorjamb, I consider her for a moment. She’s definitely softened a little since I arrived but she’s still not working as a team player. ‘Maisie, please do be friendly with anyone who comes in, yeah?’ I’m loath to leave but I really want to spread the word around town to tie in with the newspaper article.

‘I’m always friendly.’

I head outside in the filmy sunshine. First stop, the pub. It’s early yet, but the lunch crowd won’t be too far away and if they want to gossip then let it be about the human books and just what we’ve got cooking up.

My phone rings so I find some shade outside and answer it. ‘Teddy, how are you?’

‘Good, good. Well not so good. Dad is back in the office and I really think he should be at home. He’s trying to keep up with Mum still and it’s all a bit of a mess.’

I find a spot to sit as my earlier energy leaves in a whoosh. ‘The People Library experiment has just been announced so I need a bit more time.’

‘Okay … I’ll try. But what do I do about Dad?’

What story will Dad believe? ‘Right – get David, Dad’s driver, and pull him aside. Explain the situation: that you need Dad to be resting but he won’t listen. Get David to drive Dad home and tell him that he’s got a confidential conference call from Dubai about the airline magazine bid.He prefers his top secret business meetings to take place at home, well away from prying eyes and ears. Once he’s safely resting at home I’ll call him and see if I can convince him that his health is more important than Astor.’

I flail at the thought of going back to that empty existence, that faux life. Red carpets and ribbons. The thought of leaving my four precious human books behind hurts more than I expected. And Finn. The guy stares at me as if I’m magical, as if I’m all his dreams come true and it’s only the beginning. But really, they’re leaving me no choice – I don’t want my dad to have a heart attack at his desk. As aloof as my dad can be, I love him to bits. He’s a different generation, one that was taught not to show feelings, not to declare love. He shows me in other ways. I just need to get the library over the line and then I can go home and help Teddy, even though I really don’t want to. Some sacrifices are bigger than others …

‘OK, I’ll do that now.’

Still, I’m annoyed this can’t be fixed with two other Astors at the helm and a whole team of people behind them. Part of me feels like Mother is taking me hostage by not stepping in to help Dad. ‘Why is Mum not insisting he goes home? This is just crazy.’

‘I’m sure she’s doing it because she knows I’ll call you.’

‘That woman!’ Would she really put Dad’s health below the business? I’m sure even she is not that callous. There must be more to this. ‘I’ll call you later.’

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