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“Serves you right,” Pops shouts from across the room.

“What did you do?” I ask.

Before he can answer, Wally’s phone starts going haywire. Since he’s obviously still involved with the government in some way, he doesn’t hesitate to look at it. His jaw gets tight as he reads his message.

“Everything okay?” I ask, although I don’t expect him to answer. If he’s dealing with terrorist threats or something similar, he won’t be able to tell me anything.

“I’m going to kill him,” he says and throws his phone down.

I can’t resist looking. There’s a picture of a woman in a dominatrix outfit. A blindfold covers her eyes, but the rest of her body is on display since the only clothing she’s wearing is a leather bustier with a matching pair of panties. I did not need to know Wally is into some BDSM shit.

“I am not a submissive,” he growls before marching off.

I stand and follow him. This is going to be good.

“I’m going to kill him,” Wally mutters as he rounds the bar.

Pops doesn’t look concerned. He crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes on Wally. “Maybe you’ll think next time before you have some salesman call me at o-dark-thirty.”

I obviously missed something when I was gone. This group of friends show their love for each other with practical jokes and gags. They’re always trying to one up each other. It’s a guy thing.

“Big deal. You lost a bit of sleep, you big baby. I’m going to be getting emails from dominatrixes for weeks.”

“Who’s got his phone?” Sid asks. “I want to see those pictures.”

Lenny raises an eyebrow at him. “Since when do you let a woman take charge in the bedroom?”

“Never, but those women look hot in those leather outfits.” Sid wiggles his eyebrows.

“What do you call a potato dominatrix?” Barney asks. “A mashochist.” He chuckles and raises his fist. Suzie walks over to give him a fist bump.

She takes a step back, but I move to trap her in place. My nose fills with her herbal, spicy smell and my body instantly reacts. My pants are suddenly too small as my cock starts to fill. It hasn’t had its fill of Suzie yet. I’m not sure it ever will.

“You haven’t answered my texts,” I whisper into her ear. I notice her shiver and I angle my head away to hide my smirk. She can fight it as much as she needs to, but she can’t deny she wants me.

She takes a step away. “I’ve been busy. Some of us do have jobs you know.”

Hailey chortles. “Poor Suzie is too busy eavesdropping on everyone else at the office to take thirty seconds to text you back.”

“If only she could stick to eavesdropping,” Phoebe mumbles.

My Suzie is a troublemaker down to her bones. There’s never a dull moment when she’s around. “What did she do now?”

“It’s not bad enough Lola is overly affectionate with me.”

“Is that what we’re calling humping your leg now?” Suzie interrupts to ask.

Phoebe ignores her. “She squirted potty training spray on the legs of my desk to make Leroy pee there.”

I cough to hide my laughter because Phoebe is not amused.

“And here I thought there was a problem with Leroy.” Hailey frowns at Suzie. “I’ve taken him to the vet because he’s way too old to be having ‘accidents’.”

Suzie shrugs. “I told you he didn’t need to go to the vet.”

“But you didn’t tell me why.”

“It was strictly need to know.”
