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Chapter 28

The difference between beer and your opinion is that I asked for a beer.

I’m running down the stairs of my house the next day when someone knocks. “I’m almost ready,” I shout.

I’m expecting Phoebe. She’s picking me up on her way to Hailey’s to get dressed for the wedding. Unfortunately, ‘getting dressed’ is a major understatement. In addition to getting into super uncomfortable dresses, we are also having our nails, make-up, and hair done.

Phoebe insisted. She went so far as to bribe Hailey by paying for the entire thing and making all the necessary appointments. I’m telling you – the more she comes out of her shell, the more sneaky the woman gets.

I open the door and rush out without bothering to look up. I slam into a body. A hard body. Not Phoebe then. I tilt my head back to find Grayson standing there looking edible. My palms begin to sweat.

“What are you doing here?” I ask when I manage to force myself to take a step back from his body.

“You said we needed to talk but then you snuck out of the party before we had the chance.”

True story. I totally snuck out of the back door at the end of the party after putting off ‘the talk’ all night long.

“I don’t have time for this now.” For once, I’m not lying. Phoebe will be here any second.

Grayson smirks. “I’m your driver, and you have an hour before you have to be at Hailey’s.”

Shit. Phoebe and Hailey the matchmakers from hell strike again! Sneaky Phoebe is getting out of control, and Hailey is the worst influence on her.

“You might as well come in.” I motion him inside with a frown on my face.

I shut the door and spin around to find him standing in my foyer. He lunges forward, hauls me into his arms, and slams his lips down on mine. The second his soft lips meet mine, I melt. He smiles against my lips when he feels my surrender and lifts me up. I respond by wrapping my legs around his waist. He moves until I’m pinned to the wall by his body. Yes.

He punches his hips forward and his hard cock hits me in exactly the right spot. I groan before grinding down on him. He moans before tearing his mouth away from mine.

“Shit. I didn’t come here to do this.”

I frown. “You don’t want me?”

He presses his lower body forward so I can feel his hardness. “Don’t ask silly questions.” He pats my legs until I loosen them, and he sets me on my feet. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to attack you.”

“You didn’t hear me complaining, did you?”

“No. Some moaning and groaning but no complaining.”

I slap him. “No making fun.”

“I wasn’t making fun. Did you miss my groaning?”

“You need to stop talking about moaning and groaning.” My body is already primed and ready to take him, but he wants to talk. The last thing I need is to have a serious talk with wet panties. And this talk of moaning and groaning is not helping the panty situation.

“You wanted to talk,” I say once we’re seated in the living room.

Grayson smirks. “I believe you’re the one who said we needed to talk last night.”

Oh right. My brain goes on the fritz whenever he’s near. Darn. I thought I could put this talk off until after the wedding.

I stand. “Do you want a drink?”

He wraps his fingers around my wrist, thwarting my escape. “Stop running away.”

I yank my hand from his and collapse on the sofa. I wring my hands together as I gather the courage to start this conversation. Ugh. I hate having ‘the talk’ with a man. Although, if I’m honest, I haven’t had many ‘talks’ with men. Once Toby and I had our blow out, I was done with men. Hailey isn’t kidding when she calls me a man-hater. Damn Grayson and his ability to break through all my walls.

“Why don’t I start?”
