Page 90 of My Kind of Monster

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Chapter 24


I woke up as Niklas was tucking me into his bed under the soft covers.

“Shhh... sleep.”

I want to protest, I need to brush my teeth, but it is warm and comfortable and the sheets smell like him. I inhale the smell until it hits my soul and the darkness falls heavy on me as I clutch the duvet to my chest.

“Adrien, no! For the love of God, please, I beg you... no...”

He brought the whip again. I watch him as he slices the air around me with it repeatedly. He loves this, he fucking loves this because he knows I dance around the room, pissing myself in fear when he cuts the air too close to me.

He whipped me once and my back still bears the scars, the pain still burnished in my skin even now, so long after it has healed.

“Little bird, I like to see you dance. I like to see that fear in your eyes, because I know you're curious about this. About the pain that could paint your skin.”

I shake my head, tears falling freely over my cheeks, my arms wrapped around myself, hiding my breasts, protecting the sensitive flesh from an accidental slice of the whip. He walks to me and grabs my chin with the other hand, bringing my head to him. Holding me there, he trails the cold leather of the whip on my side, on my ribs, down on my waist, on my hip, bringing it between my crossed legs.

“On your knees, little bird.”The crack of the whip in the air brings me down instantly. I'm facing his crotch and somehow, the noise of the zipper being pulled drowns the menacing sound of the whip slicing the air.

Bile rises in my throat, yet I know there's only one thing I can do to distract him from this delusional thought that the type of pain he gives me is the one I need.

“That's it, little bird, show me how much you appreciate what I do for you.”

His disgusting cock in my throat does nothing to push the bile back. The whip cracks, his dick slams to the back of my throat gagging me, and his slimy grunt makes it harder to keep the bile down as his cock is slowly sliding out. The whip cracks again, his dick slams harder into the back of my throat, and the vomit is harder to keep at bay. The whip cracks again, his cock slams again, the slimy grunt gets louder, the vomit bursts all over his cock, his abdomen, his clothes, my breasts.

I fall on all fours as he spews out swears at me.

“You ungrateful fucking bitch! This is how you treat me? After giving you everything you desired?!”

I throw up again, and when I hear the whip slicing the air, I know that the next thing being sliced is my skin. A split second was not enough to prepare myself for the pain. I jump and move away as fast as I can, my back to him.

I have nowhere to go, but I aim to shift constantly so he cannot catch me with the whip.

“Aaaaaaarghhh!”The scream that rips through my throat leaves me raw, my body flaming, my muscles tense, struggling to cope with the shock that hit me with full force.

I look down at the thin leather wrapped around my leg, streaks of blood painting my skin. I cannot move, afraid that I will make it worse. All I can do is look down and stay still, however when I hear his disturbing laugh behind me, bile rises up my throat again, a strained breath invades my lungs, and I fight hard to hold the tears in.

And then he pulls. He pulls so fucking hard I'm convinced the leather hit muscle, but my face hits the stone floor before I can process more.

“Suki!!! Wake up, you're okay, wake up!”

Somewhere in the distance a deliciously rough, warm voice fills the air, reaching closer and closer to me.

“Suki! Wake up, little siren.”

Little siren... Niklas!

My eyes open, and my body jerks into a sitting position. I rip the sheets off me and my hands go straight for my scarred leg, rubbing up and down. Even now, after all this time, I can still feel the whip in my flesh...

“Hey, hey, it's okay! Look at me!”

His voice centers me. My eyes close, I breathe in and out a bit slower, and suddenly his rough hand is on my leg and my whole body scoots up on the bed until my back hits the headboard.

“Suki, it's me!”

I know. I fucking know it's him! Yet my brain is having trouble adjusting.
