Page 89 of My Kind of Monster

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“So, what do the people of Bear Creek think of the big bad wolf that bought the peak?” It's her turn to grin now, and I like the curves it creates on her pretty fucking face.

“Exactly what I want them to think. I'm good to them. I invest in the town. I engage enough. Yet, if you come on my mountain with bad fucking intentions, you will leave with your tires slashed and two broken legs. I made sure they understood I came here for the privacy.”

She laughs, “You can't be serious! Did you actually do it?! Break someone’s legs?”

I don't laugh, though. I cock my head to the left and hold her gaze without blinking. I feel the slight grin in my lips hitting my eyes as well. She stops laughing. He mouth slightly open. Her eyes grow wide.

“Holy shit, you did.” She shakes her head. “Why did I even question it. I think for a second there I forgot who I was talking to.”

“It was three of them, actually.”

Her mouth falls open. “At the same time?!”

“No. One came. Then the other two to... avenge him.” I can't help but laugh at the memory. “They wanted to play with the new guy in town... wanted to rob me as well.” I shake my head with a big fucking smile on my face.

“Oooh... and you took them all. Of course you did...”

“What was I supposed to do, Suki, roll over and show them my belly?! Fuck, no. The only reason one of them isn't dead is because I actually want to live here... for the rest of my life. And as assholes go, those ones are apparently well-known in this town.”

“So, where are they now?”

“Connor put them in jail. I think they might be out, I'm not sure. They learned a lesson anyway. No one has come here with bad intentions or uninvited since.”

“No one?”

I'm confused.

“Yeah... what do you mean?”

“Not even... late night guests?”

I'm certainly smiling for a different reason now.

“There have been some slip ups... but even they learned that they should never step foot here uninvited.” I lick my lips, my eyes fixed on her. I catch the blush on her plump cheeks, the way her lips tense, but most of all, the flicker of dark promises in her eyes. Her stance shifts, and I'm not sure if I'm looking in the eyes of jealousy... or revenge.

“Mhm.” That's the only sound leaving her body, not even her mouth. Oh, if this little siren would accept her fate even hell would weep. I can see the fire that burns within her, I can see the demons coaxing her, begging for her to let go and if she would, it would be quite a fucking show.

“Connor is the only one that tends to come uninvited. Nothing can fucking stop him though.” I can't help but roll my eyes. That son of a bitch will be the death of me someday. Mostly because there's a big chance I'm gonna accidentally shoot him.

I turn my attention back to the wood carving sitting on the table in front of me.

“Is he like you?”

“No one's like me, Suki.” I look up and I catch how a subtle shiver travels through her body.

“I don't mean... ufff... does he kill or you know... He knows of you, Niklas, he can't be all that fucking innocent!” Her slightly exasperated tone and attitude takes me by surprise.

“I don't know, Connor is... a good man. Yet... there's something about him.”

“You think he's hiding something?”

“No... at least not like we are.” Yes, I fucking saidweand it startled her. We're hiding murder from the world, a delicious depravity, a taste for blood, cravings that normal people pay for. “I don't think even he knows what he's hiding. However, no person can hold themselves hidden forever. Sooner or later who we are comes forth. We just need the right catalyst.”

My eyes bore into hers as I speak those words and she catches my intention, yet chooses to ignore it.

“I can't wait to meet him.” There's sarcasm in her voice and she's not even trying to hide it.

“You'll like him. You two might have a lot in common.” Two can play this fucking sarcastic game.

Two more seconds I hold her gaze, then, yet again, bring my attention back to the carving sitting in front of me.
