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Chapter One

“I think my boss is about to fire me.”

Katie Greer peeked around a row of dresses and through the boutique’s large storefront window, cell phone to her ear. If she stood at just the right angle, she could see the top of her boss’s dark head as the waitress across the street refilled his cup. Katie moved a bit more to the left and saw the upper half of his body. He was wearing the shirt that made his brown eyes appear velvety and smooth like melted chocolate. She didn’t have to see his lips to know they were compressed in annoyance. The familiar signs of impatience were already there. Mr. Grayson was nothing if not predictable, and she could usually tell the time of day by his mood. He glanced at his watch. Then his fingers drummed on the table’s surface as he scanned passing pedestrians for her familiar face.

“What makes you think that?” Bianca asked through the static-laced connection. “You’ve been a remarkable executive assistant. Best in the biz.”

Katie rolled her eyes. “I’m a glorified secretary and we both know it.”

“What makes you think he’s going to fire you?”

“For two years, Chase Grayson has eaten at his desk every single day. He also expects me to eat at mine. Every. Single. Day. Then out of the clear blue, he invites me to lunch.”

“What a reptile.” Bianca’s tone dripped with sarcasm. “Wait until I tell Christian your boss invited you to lunch. He’ll be utterly shocked.”

“Inviteis the wrong word. He demanded I meet him.” Katie groaned. “I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is it. I am done.”

Bianca giggled.

Katie glared at the phone before returning it to her ear. “It isn’t funny. I love my job, and I don’t want to search for another.”

“If you get fired, you can come work for my magazine.”

Katie sighed as her head dropped forward, and her eyes closed. “We’ve already been over this a million times. I don’t want to move to New York City. San Francisco is my home, and I love it here. I’ve got friends and a beautiful apartment and... my job. Hopefully.”

“I really think you’d love it here, too, if you gave it half a chance, and you can always make new friends.”

“You know how I hate it when people try to arrange my life for me.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

“I already moved across the pond. One big relocation is enough. Besides, you have your hands full with a drop-dead gorgeous husband, a beautiful baby, and your own business. You don’t need me underfoot.”

Katie skimmed over a row of pretty clothes. She was not in a hurry to meet up with her boss just to get the sack. Cradling the phone between her head and shoulder, she removed a stunning black dress from the rack. The tag insisted it was her size, but it looked far too small for her. Maybe the material stretched.

“Think of all the fun we’d have,” Bianca said. “If you move to New York, we’ll have a blast. I promise. Just think about it... even if you don’t get fired.”

Katie held the dress in front of her body while gazing into a full-length mirror. Her light brown hair shimmered with golden highlights against the dark material. She checked the price and nearly choked on her own saliva. It was far too extravagant for someone on the verge of losing their job.

“What’s wrong?” Bianca demanded in a sharp tone. “Are you okay?”

Katie sighed. “No. I am not okay. Haven’t you been listening? I am about to lose a job I am perfect for, a job I enjoy doing. Not to mention the size of my paycheck is ridiculous. I’ve been saving up to buy a house in the country.”

“Wow. That’s a big step.”

“You know I’ve always wanted a terrace with a lovely garden and a nice backyard for a dog. I could do that someday...ifI don’t lose this job.”

“Go talk to your boss. He might surprise you. Maybe he’s giving you a raise.”

Katie snorted. “Right. I’m sure that’s why he lured me out of the office to a crowded café.”

“Call me back after you talk to him. If you get fired, you are moving here whether you like it or not. I mean it.”

Katie disconnected the call after saying goodbye and returned the dress to the rack.

“Would you like to try that on, dear?” the saleslady asked from behind her.

Katie wavered. A pretty dress would be a nice pick-me-up if she got fired, and Biancadidpromise her work at the magazine. The high price flashed before her mind’s eye. She shook her head at the woman and headed for the door. “Sorry. I’m late for a lunch date. Gotta run.”
