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He scoffed. “Right. So, you’ve met my family. What about yours? I know you don’t want us to meet, but you can tell me about them. What are they like?”

Oh, great. We’re going to talk about me now. She took another sip of punch, stalling for time. There were things she didn’t want to share with him. She especially didn’t want to talk about her deceased husband with her new husband. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give him a list of facts.

He prodded, “Come on. You told me your childhood was awesome, but I could tell you were holding back.”

That surprised her. Usually, she was able to fool people with a smile and a quick line about her happy upbringing. “I come from a huge family,” she said with a sigh. “My parents were great, and everything was lovely, really lovely, until they got a divorce.”

“How old were you?” Chase asked.

“Nine. Up until then, everything was great. They have five children together, not counting me. My father moved out and remarried another woman straight away. My mum fell in love with a man with two kids, and they had two more together. My dad’s new wife already had three kids, and they added one more to that. So, big family.”

“Thirteen siblings. Wow. I have enough trouble with one.”

“Why do you think I moved across the pond to America?” She drank more punch and thought about changing venues. They should finish their discussion in another room. Her foot was starting to go to sleep, and the bathroom was too light, too airy for this discussion. “With that many siblings, there was a celebration every weekend. Birthdays, graduations, engagements, weddings, pregnancies, and on and on. It never stopped. My mum expected me to attend every single one. If I didn’t, I was the worst daughter ever, and she would send me on a guilt trip you wouldn’t believe.”

He grinned, and his dimples deepened. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? She had to remind herself every day that they had a business arrangement, and that was it.

“I don’t blame you for wanting to move away from all that.”

“Well, to be fair, my move had more to do with Phillip than them. After he died, Mum wanted me to come home so she could take care of me. I was there for three weeks, depressed, crying, the whole lot. Sometimes I stayed in bed all day.”

“Sounds reasonable.”

“Not to me.” She sat up straight. “That’s not who I am.”

She stood, set her glass on the sinks edge, and started pacing around the room. She hadn’t planned on telling Chase anything more than simple facts about her family, but he was proving easier to talk to than a therapist. There wasn’t an ounce of judgment in his eyes, and he seemed genuinely interested.

She went on. “Losing Phillip was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I knew I had to rebuild my life. Even if that part was over, love and marriage, I could still have a career. I could travel and see the world.”

Chase smiled, and there was a twinkle in his eyes she couldn’t quite figure out. The way he looked at her made her feel totally exposed, almost naked. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t tear her gaze off him.

“What?” she asked, her cheeks burning hot.

“I think you’re braver than anyone I’ve ever met. You left your country, your friends, and your family, everything that gave you security, and you moved here to start a new life on your own. Not many people could do that. No one I know would even try.”

“See there? You don’t have to worry about me being clingy or demanding or expecting things from you. I’ve been taking care of myself for a very long time.”

He got up, crossed the room, and took her by the shoulders before he spoke again. His husky voice washed over her and went through her, filling her with a sweet warmth she wanted to hold onto forever. “Kind of sad when you think about it. Everyone should have someone to take care of them when they need it.”

She stared into his sultry brown eyes, getting lost in them. It would be so easy to give in and allow him to take care of her. Different than what she’d imagined, he was also different from any man she’d ever met. But was he too good to be true? She’d watched her sisters and Bianca get burned by men like that before, powerful men, and she didn’t want to join their ranks.

She wanted to kiss him, but...

He took the choice from her, cupping her face between gentle hands. He kissed her full on the mouth. The kiss started off tender. Then it changed, growing more passionate by the second. He picked her up and started for the bedroom.

Panic stiffened her muscles.

“No,” she said, frantic. When he faltered, she softened her tone and made him an offer she hoped he couldn’t refuse. “How about a shower? I was planning to take one anyway. Why don’t you join me?”


She dipped her fingers beneath his open shirt and undid a button. “I’m feeling a little dirty. What about you?”

He set her on her feet, and she pushed the shower curtain aside. Crooking one finger, she invited him to join her. As long as she kept him from taking her to bed, the marriage wasn’t real. It was a game, a fun game that would end with a beautiful baby.

And maybe a broken heart for her.

Chapter Twelve
