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He checked the windows for signs of life. If she was there, she would probably glance out at him. Nothing. But that didn’t mean she was gone. She could be taking a nap or cooking. She ran around the house like a mini tornado when she was upset and cleaned like a madwoman.

He went inside. The lights were off, and it was quiet. He hung back in the foyer for a moment. “Katie? Are you here?”

When she didn’t answer, he walked through the house. Every empty room he entered plunged his soul into a darker place. By the time he reached the nursery, he knew she was gone. A folded square of paper with his name scrawled on top was taped to the crib. He grabbed it, hoping for a hint that she felt the same way he did.

He stared down at an address in New York, and his heart dropped. That was it, just the address. There wasn’t a line of regret, an invitation to get in touch with her, or a simple goodbye. She didn’t even sign it.

He walked to the rocking chair in the corner, picked up the pink bunny sitting there, and sank down on the cushioned seat. Looking at all the work she had put into their child’s room made him feel worse about the situation. He should have helped her put the crib together and move the furniture wherever she pointed like any good husband would.

Katie wanted him to pack up the nursery and send it to New York. He wasn’t sure he could do that. Undoing all her work would be a waste, especially when he desperately wanted the room to be used for its original purpose. He pictured Katie in the rocker, holding their little girl and singing her to sleep. He could see himself waking up for midnight feedings and changing diapers.

Those were just a few of the things he’d never get a chance to do now. If he wanted to see his daughter, he would have to fly across the country. He’d have to take time off to travel there at least every other weekend. Suddenly, work didn’t seem that important. He knew once he saw his child’s face he wouldn’t be able to walk away.

And it wasn’t just his baby he was missing. Katie was the love of his life. She was more important than the air he breathed. Somehow, he’d convince her of that fact and win her back.

Gripping the address tightly in his hand, he jumped to his feet and exited the room. He strode down the hallway with a purpose. Nothing was going to stop him from finding his wife and unborn child.

He started down the staircase, taking the steps two at a time. The front door opened, and he saw her. His breath caught in his throat. She’d never looked more beautiful to him, his beloved Katie.


After an exhausting four-hour drive to San Francisco and back, Katie needed food, a shower, and a nap, not necessarily in that order. She’d rented a car because hers was making strange sounds. She had gone to Chase’s office only to find he hadn’t been to work in a few days. That worried her. Chase did not believe in taking sick days. She remembered him working with a multitude of maladies including the flu, a broken wrist, and a nasty case of food poisoning. Nothing physical could keep him away from the office, so where was he? Why wasn’t he working?

Relief flooded her system at the sight of the limo parked out front. Leaving her purse and jacket behind, she rushed inside. Chase was descending the staircase, but he stopped cold when he saw her. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever. She had searched the city for him, looking everywhere, but now that she’d found him, she didn’t know what to say or do.

Chase looked like he hadn’t slept in days. If she’d doubted even for a second the break-up had hurt him like it hurt her, she didn’t anymore. Stubble covered the lower half of his face, and purple shadows underscored his eyes.

He moved first, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat. Burying his face in her throat, he wrapped her in a warm embrace and hugged her like he’d never let her go. She melted against him. Questions faded. The only thing that mattered was the feel of his strong arms around her and his solid chest against her cheek. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of alcohol on his breath.

He stepped back and cupped her face between his hands. “I love you. I know it took me a while to get there, but I really do love you.”

His damp eyes testified for him, shining with his love for her. It was real. Her husband had fallen in love with her at last.

She beamed up at him. “I love you, too.”

He frowned and released her. “You don’t have to say that. I know you’ve been struggling with your memories of Phillip and wishing he was the father of our unborn child.”

“No.” She shook her head vehemently. “That isn’t true. Yes, I loved him, and part of me always will. At the start of this I did wish I’d had a child with him, but that was before I fell in love with you. Compared to my feelings now, my love for Phillip was a silly schoolgirl crush.”

“But you swore you’d never marry again because of him, because he was the love of your life.”

“I was afraid of being hurt,” she said. “My reluctance to remarry was more about my fear than it was about him, and now I know why. If I lost you, it would kill me.”

She saw the moment the truth dawn in his eyes, the moment he realized what she was saying, that she loved him with her whole heart.

And then his mouth was on hers in a passionate kiss that promised her the world.

The kiss ended abruptly. She could tell he had things on his mind, things he wanted to share with her. He lifted her hand and placed his lips in the center of her palm. Her senses tingled with awareness, ultra-sensitive and ready for the next sensation. Holding onto her hand, he led her to the couch. He sat beside her for a while without talking. Instead of using words, he stroked her face and gazed into her eyes in the most intimate of ways. It was like he saw into her very soul.

“I thought you left me,” he said.

“Almost did.”

“What changed your mind?”

“A friend.” She felt giddy and couldn’t keep her hands off him... or her mouth. She kissed his throat and felt the pulse of his racing heart beneath her lips. “Bianca told me if I loved you, I should stay and fight for you.”

“Remind me to send her a gift basket.” He rained kisses on her face. “I’m sorry I accused you of being after stock. Honestly, I knew it wasn’t true, but I let insecurity and paranoia get to me.”

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